Modern Ukrainian Desserts

Cake "Drunken cherry in chocolate"

It's a very tasty cake, however, it contains much spirit. It's very common cake in Ukraine.

For sponge cake:
10 eggs
2.5 glasses of sugar
2 glasses of flour
50g of cocoa powder
For cream:
50g of cocoa powder
600g of butter
6 tbsp of milk
3 glasses of sugar
4 eggs
2.5 glasses of cherries
half a glass of cognac
100g of chocolate
2 packets of vanilla powder

Two days before cooking remove stones out of the cherries. Put them into a jar, press them to the bottom of the jar. Pour the cognac into it, mix with sugar and cover with a lid. Let it stay for 2 days.

Beat the eggs into a bowl. Add sugar. Whisk at the steam into warm froth . Then put onto the table, go on whisking until it cools. Mix the flour with cocoa powder. Carefully, stirring the whisked eggs moving a spoon up and down, blend with flour. Put into the round form for cake, brushed with butter and sifted with flour. Bake in the oven at the medium heat. Check for readiness of the sponge cake in such a way. Put a dry match (without a sulphur head) or any thin wooden stick into the sponge cake. If when you take it out it remains dry, then the sponge cake is ready.

To cook the cream mix cocoa with some sugar, pour 4 tbsp of milk and put onto the cooker. Stir constantly. As soon as it boils, take it off the fire and chill it. Rub butter with 2.5 glasses of sugar, adding bit by bit chilled mixture of cocoa and eggs. Add vanilla powder. If the mixture became smooth the cream is ready.

Cut the sponge cake into two round parts. Remove the cake from the middle of each of the parts, leave only the edges as thick as 5 cm and thin bottom, creating something like sponge cake 'boxes'. Mix all the removed sponge cake with 1/3 of the cream. Then mix this mixture with half of the cherries. Brush the insides of the 'boxes' with some cream. On two separate plates put the mixture into each of the 'boxes'. Put a half of the cream left onto one of the 'boxes'. Put the cherries on the top of it, cover with the rest of the cream. Put the other 'box' on the top of it turned upside down. Melt the chocolate, add 2 tbsp of milk and pour it onto the cake, covering the top and the sides of the cake.

Chill for a while (3 or 4 hours at least) before serving.

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