

My Site

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so I do hope my pages are viewable without any problems for you all!

I've really enjoyed putting my site together up to now - don't forget to consult my Homepage Building Links
page to get an idea of all the sites and programmes I've used to build my site!


I'm finding it terribly difficult keeping my page up to date, what with my new baby!! Oh yes - don't forget to find out all about little Philip!

My buttons
I think my site has grown enough in stature for me to proffer some little buttons that you can use to link to Café Kolarovi!

button1 button2 button3

If you don't know how to deal with this one - see my Homepage Building Links page for all the relevant sites to get your html sorted!

The Big France 98Question!
Bulgarian Footievs English Footie?

Cor blimey - can you imagine it? Bulgaria against England in the world cup final???

Hmmmm... I think I wrote that sometime last year. As we all know, Bulgaria put up a pathetic performance, and poor old England just couldn't get it right. Still, better luck next time. Lots more luck next time!

Nice Sites
Well, what with all this having a baby stuff, I'd like to recommend a couple of places you can go if you are the least bit interested in pregnancy, before, after and during! The number one site for me, and winner of a Webbie award, is Babycenter, where you get free weekly emails giving you updates on your developing baby both during pregnancy and now that he's popped out into the wide world! One other useful site is Parenthoodweb where you can set up your own journal on the web about your pregnancy and find out what's happening with other mums like you!

Looking for a little inspiration in building your homepage? Ready made Pagekits are just the job - a range of different designs set up and ready to go - and you don't have to pay for them!

Find out about the origins of superstitions at this interesting site!

Not that I'm superstitious of course! (Just thought I'd mention that).

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