dada-a cult in painting, sculpture,+literature characterized by fantastic, abstract, or incongruous creations, by rejection of all accepted conventions,+by nihilistic satire
decidua-the part o/t mucous membrane o/t uterus cast off in the process of menstruation
delirium-1. a mental disturbance characterized by confusion, disordered speech, and hallucinations 2. frenzied excitement
desecrate-1. to violate the sanctity of 2. to treat disrespectfully, irreverently, or outrageously
desolate-1. joyless, disconsolate, and sorrowful through or as if through separation from a loved one 2. devoid of warmth, comfort, or hope: gloomy
desultory-1. marked by lack of definite plan, regularity, or purpose 2. disappointing in progress/performance: sluggish
disaffect-to alienate the affection/loyalty of
dissemble-1. to hide under a false appearance 2. to put on the appearance of: simulate
eccentric-1. deviating from an established/usual pattern/style 2. deviating from conventional/accepted usage/conduct esp. in odd/whimsical ways
empathy-the action of understanding, being aware of, being sensitive to, and vicariously experiencing the feelings, thoughts, and experience of another of either the past or present without having the feelings, thoughts, and experience fully communicated in an objectively explicit manner; also: the capacity for this
emulate-1. to strive to equal/excel 2. imitate 3. to equal or approach equality with
energy-the ability to do work (see work)
episiotomy-surgical enlargement o/t vulval orifice for obstetrical purposes during parturition
eunuch-a man/boy deprived of the testes or external genitals
existentialism-a philosophy+liter. movement based on doctine that concrete, individual existence takes precedence over abstract, conceptual essence+holds that humans are totally free+responsible for their acts+this responsibility is source of their feelings of dread+anguish
exploit-to make use of meanly or unjustly for ones own advantage
fey-1. able to see into the future 2. crazy 3. marked by an otherworldly air/attitude 4. marked by a foreboding of death/calamity 5. fated to die: doomed
fiend-1. a person extremely devoted to a pursuit/study: fanatic 2. addict
frenzy-1. a temporary madness 2. a violent mental/emotional agitation 3. intense usu. wild+often disorderly compulsive/agitated activity
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