sara tonens revised unabridged space-age dictionary

10th edition

this dictionary is provided for those with less than a junior high education. an audience of certain small redneck towns are the main focus for the definitions contained within this dictionary. one should not feel threatened if one does not know the meaning of words/phrases such as, meretricious and/or purkinje shift. one should only feel that one will not make it in this hypercompetitive world, because since knowledge is power then conversely power is knowledge, and knowing is half of the battle so conversely the battle is half of knowing. therefore the laws of substitution tell us that having power is half of the battle, and (again, conversely) that the battle is half of having power. if all of this is so, then what might one say the other half of having power and/or the other half of knowing is? one might venture so far as to say that the answer lies in simple arithmetic and/or discrete mathematics. but one would daresay this is not relevant to the case at hand. the correct answer is knowing how to use this knowledge/power creatively and/or offensively (as long as your main goal in offending is only to get people to think about why they are offended and gain some insight into themselves and society so they can do something about it and so the various prejudices can begin to dissolve. the only world that is or ever will be close to being free from prejudice is sara tonens. although we have inescapable prejudices, the others are placed where they should be (although this only refers to whether we like or hate), based solely on personality. either that or just for the sheer enjoyment of watching people squirm from their uneasiness.). ah...prejudice and free-thinking.

a-c (pg. 1-290)
d-f (pg. 290-475)
g-m (pg. 475-770)
n-q (pg. 771-961)
r-s (pg. 961-1198)
t-z (pg. 1198-1378)

teleport my stupid rotting corpse back to the dead zone.

powerful educated complaints shouldnt be sent to (but should be expected from):

@ 1