torpor-1. apathy, dullness 2. a state of mental+motor inactivity w/partial or total insensibility: extreme sluggishness/stagnation of function
transmigrate-to pass at death from one body/being to another (the soul)
transmogrify-to change/alter greatly+often w/grotesque/humorous effect
tremulous-1. exceedingly sensitive: easily shaken/disordered 2. affected with timidity
tripe-something poor, worthless, or offensive
trite-hackneyed or boring from much use: not fresh or original
tropophilia-the love of change
ubiquitous-1. existing/being everywhere at same time: constantly encountered: widespread 2. omnipresent
underdog-1. a loser or predicted loser in a struggle/contest 2. a victim of injustice or persecution
vanguard-the leading position or persons in a movement, field of endeavor, etc.
verb-to make a noun/adjective into an action word
verbicide-deliberate distortion o/t sense of a word (as in punning)
verbify-to verb something
vitamin a deficiency-a condition resulting in night blindness, a general susceptibility to infections, and degeneration of epithelial tissue
vitriolic-extremely biting or caustic; sharp+bitter
vivisection-minute or pitiless examination or criticism
void-1. devoid 2. vain, useless 3. a feeling of want or hollowness 4. empty space: emptiness, vacuum
work-the act of using energy (see energy)
wrath-1. strong vengeful anger/indignation 2. retributory punishment for an offense or a crime: divine chastisement
writhe-to twist from or as if from pain/struggling
xenophile-one attracted to foreign things (as styles or people)
xerophthalmia-a dry thickened lusterless condition o/t eyeball resulting esp. from a severe systemic deficiency of vitamin a
yaupon-a holly o/t s-e u.s. that has smooth elliptical leaves w/emetic+purgative properties
zeal-eagerness and ardent interest in pursuit of something: fervor
zelophobia-the fear of jealousy
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