“Isn’t that a rule?” asked Joe. “’Cause it should be.” He reached into his pocket for his cigarettes. As he pulled them out, a small metal object bounced loose. “Oh, this thing,” said Joe, lighting his Marlboro. “I picked this up way back at Dr. Doom’s place. Wonder what it does?” [It was an energy storage/retransmission unit. I can’t actually tell you that without ruining the cool third-person-omniscient narrator thing I’ve got going, so please stop reading this part. You didn’t stop. You bastard. Oh well. See, when you push the button on top, the device releases energy identical to the last form of energy in which it was in contact. In this case, the device was last near Access’ chronal energy wave. So really bad things are likely to happen whenever Joe pushes that button.] Joe pushed the button on top of the small device. [Yeah, ‘cause no one saw that coming.]
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