Welcome to Ne Rien's Home Page

My new page is at ninahanddennis.com. Come check it out.

- Hello visitors. Well it's been quite a trip since the return from Cuba. I found upon my return that my Berkeley home was put for sale right under my nose. This was the second Berkely home in two years to be so sold while I was still living there! So it was back to San Francisco for me. But with the gracious benevolent help of Elegguá, Ochosi, Oggún, Osun, Obatalá, Theresa (lead female singer of the Cuban Grupo Folklórico National) and her son, my padrino Joelito, the Goddess finally led me to find my wife Clasine. In less than three months I was out of my new Haight Street $1050 per month studio with a view, and Clasine and I managed to find a home amongst the beautiful sun and trees of San Rafael. Within four months, (which was too slow for our timetable!) we were pregnant, and on August 10th 2001, we were married in the Frank Lloyd Wright designed Marin County Civic Center. And three days after the wedding we were on a plane, with our cat and all for the Netherlands. As you may see below, our son TEZCATLIPOTL was born in Clasine's parents home on the 27th of October 2001. . . . And then we moved to Amsterdam. Then we purchased a home in Amsterdam., thus moving again. And now finally, after a year off to learn Dutch, and in waiting and preparation for Tez's birth of course, I'm teaching again, and life is almost back to normal. Except now as a father, and husband, in Europe . . . Life.

Aller a mes pages en francais. Ir a mis páginas en espanol

Can you guess who this is?

See a cool video new video taken in Amsterdam of TEZCATLIPOTL talkin!
Some wonderful photos of the October 2001 birth of our son TEZCATLIPOTL!
Photos of myself, and the woman who became my wife, and then the mother of our child. . .
Images (and the French lessons therein) of my Europe 2000 trip!

--p2 l'Ile de la Cite--p3 l'Arc de Triomphe--p4 Dijon--p5 Switzerland--p6 The United Nations--p7 Broken Chair--

Photos of my first year in teaching in the MILLS COLLEGE UPWARD BOUND program
Pictures of some of my best friends, at one of the best times in my life
Flat Stanley pictures for Ms. Thompson's 3rd Grade class.

You can simply click here to get to my M U S I C page.


Now a few years in Holland, here is the site of my current school where I teach music.
This is the site of my very first Dutch English class, the Scala College Class of 1p 2003.
You can click here to get to my EDUCATION PAGE.
But prior to there, you may be interested in my old teaching district, the Oakland Unified School District.
I worked as the French and English/Shakespeare teacher for Mills College Upward Bound.
I at one time did some consulting work, talks, and curriculum development for Urban Ecology.

L I N K S L I N K S and more L I N K S

This is a page about my Mommy. That's her to the right, and her actual name is Dr. Battle-Marks. Ouch!!!

Although the EURO is now in effect, here is the XE Currency Converter that I still find to be very useful.
Here is my friend Marc Drulot's site. Cool stuff.
This is my friend Nienke Mertz's site. Waay cool stuff. (Including a picture of me!)

Sign the Guestbook nerien@yahoo.com