Bennie's Page |
Hi there! I had been out on the streets for a while and it was very hard to find food and shelter so I was very skinny when I was picked up and brought to a house. I got food, water and a warm bed to sleep in and they brushed my coat so all of my mats disappeared. The next day they took me to the vet and I had upper respiratory inflammation, whipworms and most likely flees. I had to stay on a screened porch all by myself for the first ten days before I could meet my siblings. It was in late May so the weather was warm and nice and I was very comfortable. When I finally got to meet my new "siblings" I was scared and hissed and growled a lot to show them who I am. But after a while I saw that they were friendly so I decided to be friendly too. About a
month later they took me to the vet again and now they found that my
urine is very diluted and they also found out that my kidneys do not
work very well. I'm an old guy, probably around 10 years so some
ailments can be expected. |
Conrad | Molly |
Findus | Lucy |
Jerry | Maya | Brasse
| Bennie