"The Buzz On ButtMunch"

Then there is "ButtMunch".

I got him from a friend who took him from a home where he was loved
by his owner but was being abused by the owner's son.
His name was Pancho and we changed it to Macho Man, and over time it
changed to Munch Man, (he loved to eat everything) then into ButtMunch.

When I first got him, I thought he would die of a broken heart, laying
on the couch, looking out the front window wondering where his master was.
But after three days, the food, (first), and the love won him over.
Now you would think he was always ours.
He is spoiled rotten. He has epileptic seizures due to the abuse, but not
too often and he always lets me know and stays real close to me when one
is going to occur.

Two years ago he got a huge growth on his top gum. It grew through his
teeth and stuck out about an inch. We had it removed when it got
to be in his way of eating and started to hurt. It was checked and was
not malignant.


ButtMunch had a seizure about a week ago that lasted almost 35 minutes.
He seemed to start coming out of it about 4 different times and
then stiffened up and it continued. It scared me really bad.
If anyone has information on the worsening of epileptic seizures in dogs,
I would appreciate any I could get.

I swear there WILL be more updated buzz on ButtMunch here ASAP. It's just that I have been so busy, and I am sure each and every one of you understands how that goes, right?

Poor little Buttmunch is totally blind and deaf now. But he is stll happy and still has his huge appetite.

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The Buzz On ButtMunch WebPage Was Last Updated May 25, 2004.