Petz Shows
"Hey there, I'm the judge of all the petz shows. We also have an assistant judge Mungo the Old English Sheepdog."
To enter a Dogz or catz in a show choose one of the following catagories to enter and E-mail Sarah at . In this E-mail you will have to include the Dogz or Catz name, Breed, your E-mail address, the show you want your petz to be in, and a picture of the petz. The results will be on this page about a week or two after enough entries have been recieved. These are the catagories you can enter your Petz in................
Puppizez - not up yet
Dogz -
Kittenz -
Catz -
remember that you can only enter 2 petz and if you enter more i will not enter one of them
The show will be judged on the 20th of April.
Fast-Linkz to my other pages.
Awards, Win my Award, My Petz, Tips on Tricks and Training
Questions on Dogz, Find the brush, Petz Shows, Petz Graphics
Linkz, Petz Ad's, Petz Generations, My Guard Petz, Gallery