Tips on trick's and training!
"This is a page where you can here Sarah's opinions about trick's and training and other people's opinions about how to train Dogz and Catz!"
If you want to send a tip then E-mail Sarah with the Tip. She will try to get your Tip up on the page.
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Sarah's tips!
1. The most important tip on training your Petz is BE PATIENT!!!!!!!!
2. Don't give in if Petz do not peform a trick, keep trying!
3. Make sure you practice a trick a couple of times to help the Petz remember it!
4. Try tricks with different treats each time!
Fast-Linkz to my other pages.
Awards, Win my Award, My Petz, Tips on Tricks and Training
Questions on Dogz, Find the cat, Petz Shows, Petz Graphics
Linkz, Petz Ad's, Petz Generations, My Guard Petz