Welcome to my Kitty Diary!!Heres where we(Stimpy & Wooh)place our storys about stuff.If you would like to submit a diary story then just e-meow us and we'll place it.Make sure to include your name,homepage,e-mail,of course your story.You could recieve an award if its really purrfecto!

The d*g Patches came into our lives :|

One day we were just sitting on the kitchen counter like bad boys and this furocious looking dog came into our house!It ran around sniffing evfurything!!We thought that d*g was going to eat us!It was HUGE!!!!So we went to that dog hissed and stook our fur up and BOOM!,we were in our kitty rooms in the basement.That showed how much hoomans know.We had to save our hoomans before that dog ate them!!So we did what we always did MEOW!So after we got on their nereves my hoomans pesky brothfur let us out.Then we went upstairs and then the dog was gone!They said they just were babysitting it for my hoomans grandma and grandpa.We guessed that just ment they sat on the dog and it must have ran away.We saved the day again!Then took a cat nap on the counter.

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