you may receive a FREE copy of "The San Francisco Rosarian," our monthly newsletter, by e-mailing your REQUEST to Charles M. Dowling: Please use link on home page. A copy can be either mailed OR emailed to you. STATE YOUR REQUEST; give your Name, Address, & City, State, ZIP Code, |
415-436-0497 Call for current events. Need more information? Stay on the line and leave a message. We will return your call. MEMBERSHIP: $25.00 per year. Click herefor more information on Membership. "Growing Roses In the San Francisco Bay Area | 1759 8th Avenue, San Francisco, CA. 94122-4706 $24.00 per copy + $2.00 tax + $4.00 s/h = $30.00 per copy Please make checks payable to: San Francisco Rose Society This is our NEW BOOK, useful and well-written-- 150 pages on the care of Roses, specific to the San Francisco Bay Area and Other Maritime Influenced Climates. It's a BARGAIN! Some pages will even be in COLOR. NEW Looseleaf Format for easier updating. Winner of the ARS Award of For a printable order form, please click HERE |
OFFICERS for 2009 President: Kathleen Dooley |
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NCNH District news and events quarterly. Includes the latest information on Rose Culture. Subscription - $15.00 per year Make checks payable to NCNH District c/o Ted & Linda Burg, Editors 795 Clover Lane Hanford, CA. 93230-2214 Member - $37.00 per year Senior Member - $34.00 per year Please make checks payable to: The American Rose Society P.O. Box 30,000 Shreveport, LA. 71130-0030 |
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L O C A L V E N D O R S and O T H E R S I T E S | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Rose Gardening
Rose Society |
Entomology |
Fremont |
the Organic Way | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Nursery |
Rose Club |
Nursery |
in her beginner's Internet class at City College of San Francisco. May 1998. All rights reserved by Vera Poon & the San Francisco Rose Society. |