February 17, 1998
Jose's First Baseball Game
Jose is 17 years old and lives in Mexico. All his life he wanted to see an American baseball game, so he diligently saved his money until he has saved enough for the trip to the United States. As luck would have it, he arrived just in time for the seventh game of the World Series. Unfortunately, he had not counted on the high ticket prices and cannot afford one. He tried to get in, but since he didn't have a ticket, the security guard wouldn't let him. Jokingly, the guard tells poor Jose to climb the flagpole if he wants to see the game. So that's what Jose did. Well, it was time to start the game, and everyone stood up to sing the National Anthem. Jose watched the game in amazement and joy. When it was over, he slid down the flagpole and hitchhiked his way back over the border to Mexico. When he finally got back home, all his friends asked him, "So, Jose, how was eet, the baseball game?" And Jose replies, "It was wonderful, amigos. The people in America are so kind! The first thing they did, even before they started the game, was to ask me, "Jose, can you see?'"
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