Air Forward 540 with Pop Boy - Spunj Bodyboarding.
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Air Forward 540. Here's a move only possible in big, bowly surf. Get your air forwards down before advancing to these. I've set this up with loads of speed and an over-vert section. When you hit the lip like me in shot 2, you need heaps of torque, way more than for a normal forward, so a flat spin is not an option. You actually want to rotate with two-thirds forward spin and one-third backflip to get enough rotational acceleration, and make sure you keep your legs tucked in tight. You need to be at the highest point just after you pass through the first 180 degrees, like me in shot 5. From there the remaining spin is invariably flatter, so keep those legs tucked in and keep spinning. All going well, once you're past 360 degrees you'll be at lip height again (shot 8). In shot 9 my left knee clipped the lip, so I knew it was time to extend my legs and get my left rail down to prepare for the landing. In hindsight I could've spun a bit faster, but I guess a make is a make.
Spunj Bodyboarding.

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