Hey, you've just meandered into the vastness and Shangri-la that is...................

Take a look at my guestbook at the bottom of the page!

This many Olsenbagels contaminees have been here:

My first site nomination!! Whoopee!

My second award!

Take a peek at Gerry's web site at the bottom of the page in the links section!

Think you're a geography buff?? Click here and we'll see what you're all about!

"Weird Al" Yankovic has a new CD out and I have the lyrics:

"Running With Scissors"

A short description of myself:

My name is Pat and I'm a 10th grade student at Cypress Creek High. I like to watch basketball, play basketball, watch other people play basketball, play video games that involve people playing basketball, and most of all read articles that include information about people playing basketball. In short, I love the sport. It's a living.

I also like to listen to music. Some of my favorite artists are Jamiroquai, Red Hot Chili Peppers, Aerosmith, KoRn and many others not worth mentioning. I am currently enrolled in the National Junior Honor Society, the National Junior Geography Bee Winners Society and other societies with the same prefix. I'm also a member of the International Baccaleureate program.

Do you ever wonder what's out there? Well, if you do and you want to know more, look no further than.....

The Cryptozoology Collection

Now featuring articles on Bigfoot, The Loch Ness Monster, and many more famous creatures

Qui-Gon Jinn from Episode One: The Phantom Menace!!

Visit the Cypress Creek Track Team's New Home Page!

I thought that this picture described the reality of our world. What can we do to fix this?

Beanies 4 Sale!! In here!!

Visit Episode I: The Phantom Menace's Home Page!!

My Site Poll
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Current Results

Have the amazing swami predict your pitiful future! Step right up!

Due to my incredibly small brain being somewhat useless, I haven't been able to change my futures every day. Now they are the same for an entire week. Thank you for your undivided attention.

Download the famous spontaneously combusting cricket sound here!!

The Spontaneously Combusting Cricket!

Also, the hilarious sounds of Britney Spears exloding!

Britney Spears...exploding!

Chuckle to the sounds of the chipmunk version of Forrest Gump!

Forrest Gump....blows up!

Gag on your spit as you giggle at Billy Madison!

Incoherent ramblings!

How about Dr. Evil and son from Austin Powers?

Maybe I'd be a vet!

Go Roxbury Guys!!

Pat's Super Stumper Question of the Day!

All you need to do here, is e-mail with your correct answer and I will award you however many points the question is worth. The contest will end once someone surpasses the high score of 1,000. Good luck and take your time!

Question #18:

Which came first? The chicken or the egg?

250 points!

Da Scoreboard!

Kristen: 100

Katie: 650

Mike: 850

Pat's Animal Quiz

Pat's Animal Quiz!

1. How many pounds of food does an African elephant eat per day?
2. What is the fastest swooping bird in the world?
3. Where does the Malayan Tapir live?
4. What kind of ferret is the most endangered?
5. What is the common name for the Hawaiian Goose?
6. Which of these birds can fly?
7. What snake is considered endangered in Manitoba?
8. Where does the koala live??
9. What is the oldest known animal still alive today?
10. Where does the Sable Antelope reside?


This is the section where you yell, compliment, or just plain communicate with your aquaintences. So let it all out. One rule though, no swearing or calling vulgar names. E-mail me with your shout-outs and I'll post them. So go at it!!!!

Pat's Shout-outs:

J.R.: So, have you had a Coke lately?

Kristen: I must truly apologize once again for breaking your screen and your skimmer cover at your party. I'm truly sorry.

Mike: Man, that'd be rad if we could go to Universal! I can't wait!

Veronique: Love comes when it is least expected. Don't give up, you'll find someone.

Shayne: I'm so psyched for you and your cruise! Plus, you're so lucky, you get to actually go on one!

Nicole: I will be tanner than you next year! That's a promise!

Katie: Maybe we can meet down at Osprey Park someday and just hang. Well, we'll see each other at J.R.'s party at least.

Jenny: Man, I don't know how you band people do it, but it's gotta take a lot outta ya. Good luck with the practice.

Stef: Can't wait for you to come soon! You must look a whole lot different!

Levi: Hey, homie-g, see u at my party. Maybe next year on your b-day we can go paintballing again. That'd be slick!

If I missed anybody, I'm terribly sorry!! Send me an e-mail and I'll put ya' on there! Bye!

Katie's Shout-Outs:

Pat: SHUT YOUR SLOPPY YAK!!!!!!!! Way cool homepage! May the Flying Cows continue to flourish in my room. "I'LL NEVER LET GO BAGEL...........I'LL NEVER LET GO" Good luck with your #1...........("woo-hoo"- my doughboy says hi)

Mike: Don't worry, you'll get taller.........someday.........maybe.......possibly.......never (j/k) :-)

Jenny: "TAAAAAAAAAAAAAAKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKEEEEEEEEEEEE MEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE AAAAAAAAWWWWWWWWWWAAAAAAAYYYYYYYYYYYY.........." (inside joke) If you tickle me any more in Biology, I swear.........grrrrrr............it's that evil pencil of yours that's doing it, I know! :-)

Kristen: FRESHMAN CLASS PRESIDENT!!!! Do you ever think we'll forget Gary? (and his trademark) I don't think so!!! :-]

Shayne: Yo soy perfeccionista. Y tu? :-)

Nicole: Tu eres aqui! He'll never find that tattoo of yours!...........GO MILK!!!

Stacy: =) =) =) =) =) =) =) =) =) =) =) =) =) =) =) =) =) The smileys are baaaaaaaack!!! Hehehehehe!!

Veronique: I wonder if we'll mosh at Homecoming..........just to make you SUFFER!!

J.R.: FINALLY!! YOU'VE PERFECTED THE THRUST!!! The next time you scare me at AMT, I'll get you back................

Chris: I'm STILL working on getting you a yearbook.........I WILL SUCCEED =)

Levi: You and Mike are making me sick in History...........very sick (j/k)

Shrina: Hola, senorita Josefina!!! I still don't like my handwriting, even if you and Jenny N. say so.......

Yosoy2Slik@aol.com (my first e-mail address)

If you would like to chat with me online, my screen names are as follows:

1.) Yosoy2Slik

2.) DoeXing

3.) PatNacho14

P.S.- I could be on any of these screen names at any time, but they go in order of the one that I am on as most of the time to the least. Thanks

If you can, e-mail me and tell me what you think of the page. Thank you.

Here are some nifty links for you, the visitor, to check out!

Bryant's Slick Home Page!

Kristen's Home Page

Gerry's Spiffy Home Page

My Bro's Kewl Page

QB proger's AOL Tips and Tricks!

Rahul's Phat Page

Watch Africa's majestic savannah.....LIVE!!!

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