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Watercraft City
PWC enthusiast's homepage
August 11, 2001 YES I'M ALIVE AND RIDING!!!

Welcome to Watercraft City - Okay Okay Okay...I know its been way way too long since I've updated the page here. I just kind of lost interest in the whole web site idea but I plan to get back to work on it. Anyway I added a new EZ Board Forum to post on and setup a new Guestbook to sign also.

Site News» August 11, 2001 - I will be making allot of changes with the site in the next few months. I may move the page to a different server as well. I'm going to cut down on the amount of pages I have, its too hard to update them all. Some new stuff will show up but many older pages will be gone. The links pages will probably be gone, except for a few choice links. There are plenty of link pages out there and I cant keep up with mine. I will keep the picture pages and will be adding many more pics too. I recently bought a digital camera so pics will be up soon.

New Section» The Mailbag - Here you will get to read some of the many e-mails I recieve and maybe you can help out.

Pictures Pictures - Here's the picture collection i was talking about.I have some pics that were sent me and whole bunch of pictures I took.Check em out!...Damn it where the hell are all your jet-ski pics???I said to send them to me at doome32@yahoo.com and I'll post them on a pictures page!
Links Links - Here is are a few pages that took allot of researching!A big links collection,if it has something to do with jetskiing you can find a link for it here.If you have a link to add or find one that doesnt work let me know. Its takes too much work for me to update these pages at this time.
PWC Forums New Message Boards - You can use this forum to post questions and get answers to some of your questions about PWC. This is a new EZ Board setup. I plan on setting up my own forum eventually, use this for now.
Ride Spots Where we Ride - A section that is always under development,waiting for your favorite ride spot.
Awards Site Info and Awards - This is where I thank all the sites that have helped me out and it's also my awards page!Yep I did get a few!
Sign The Guestbook Guestbook 8/11/01 - Yup another new guestbook, please let me now you dropped by.

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