The Photos Page

I have reorganised this page and divided everything up into the following categories: hope you like it. I have been meaning to turn many of the images into thumbnails but unfortunately have not got down to it yet. So please note that some of the download times for these pages are longer than they could be. Sorry.... I'll get a round tuit as soon as I can!

So who is this Drew character anyway? Find out here....
Or click here to see the rather more aesthetically-pleasing Clare, to whom I have the good fortune to be married.
Our wedding
A selection of pics from our wedding - 2nd July 1999...
Stag & honeymoon
...and events both before and after it, in Amsterdam and Scotland respectively.
Daisy Lee
Some very cute photos of Daisy Lee, my niece, born 8th October 1998. NEW PICS ADDED.
Photos and a guide to the beautiful Yorkshire Dale which I have the luck to call my family home
A couple of panoramic photos which more or less work - Morecambe Bay and Ilkley, at the moment
University Challenge
Photographic proof of my encounter with a certain J. Paxman.
My star
Click to see my heavenly body (NB: not in the biblical sense...)
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