The good news is that Vietnam has lifted the firewall to Geocities. The bad news is the announcement from Yahoo/Geocities that they no longer support FTP for free sites. I am considering to upgrade my site but the main problem remains: Money.

This file will be converted into index.html for this directory. For the time being I have to upload html files to my home page directories without a listing.

For a man of my age, the age of perforated cards and DOS B/W screens, a directory listing in Unix format is already a luxury.

Some of my articles are in English, other are in Vietnamese Unicode. Finally Unicode, a foreign font, has united the Vietnamese from South to North.

All my writings reflect my own opinion which may be different from the official view of the Government of Vietnam or my employer.

About social insurance policy, Sep 1999. Vietnamese
I am against banning of motorbikes, Jan 2001. Vietnamese
The Final of University competition, Student Vietnam 96 or SV 96, Dec 1996. Vietnamese

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