site description
Forest Fire Lookout Association an organization involved in research of LO history and sites --promotes restoration and preservation of LOs-- Also publishes an excellent QUARTERLY NEWSLETTER
Rex's Forest Fire Lookout page LO pictures,trivia--los in tv and film-some fire pics--If you are looking for a photo and info on particualar lookout in the western US this is the place to begin. Rex is a lookout fanatic and has compiled a huge archive of recent and historical photos of lookout towers. Great site!!
Dominic's Fire Lookout Website Lots of info and photos of lookouts of Oregon and some of Washington. This site definetly worth visiting!
National Historic Lookout Register Wow! Rob Hooeye put this site together with the help of the NHLR. This monsterous site covers lookouts registered with the National Historical lookout Register, both national and international. Some pictures, info and a wonderful array of maps covering each of the sites. Even a link to a "zoomable" USGIS topo map for each of the lookouts. Great site!!
Ranger Dave's page of Fire Lookout Towers on the Web General info and background on lookouts. Click on his heading titled "importance"to get what I believe to be a good education
IAMHO IMAGING Rob Hoeye is serious about QTVR and has used fire lookouts as subject matters. He's also working on a panoramic image CD and is a bit of a map fanatic so take a good look around to see what he's up to
Don Baine's Virtual Reality Panoramas This site showcases an awesome new interactive media on the web and one which I believe has great future potential. If you haven't checked it out yet you should!! The beauty of it is that three of the samples are panoramas taken from lookouts:Sierra Buttes and Mt Talmapais in California and Fremont Lookout from Mt. Rainier, Washington
FUEGO-satellit detection Here is the page detailing a planned satellite fire detection system-interesting reading if you're a lookout
Satellite fire detection An experiment(looks like they have a long ways to go)for satellite fire detection in Finland
Virginia Strom Martin California State Assembly See this page about a politician fighting for a cause that makes sense!!
How to rent a Lookout tower in the Pacific Northwest Page advertising a book on lookout rentals
Rentals in the Siskiyou NF The Siskiyou national forest has(this is not to their credit) cut funding to all of their lookouts. They're all solely rentals now and here's the info and photos...
Nature the Northwest information center Interested in visiting a lookout? Go here and click on their "Cabin/lookout rental" for a very convenient and easy to use listing and description of available rentals in Oregon
National Forest Cabin Rentals in the Pacific NW Fire Lookout Cabins and towers for rent(summer and/or winter) in Oregon and Washington
Clearwater Lookout Cabin Rental Info on rental of a Lookout cabin in the Umatilla N.F(Washington side of the border)
Kootenai Country Summer Guideneed address!!!! Listings and info on the 6 lookouts available for rental on the Kootenai National Forest
Lookout Rentals of The Southwest Info on a handful of available lookout rentals in California
DFPA Lookouts The Douglas Fire Protection Agency staffs 8 lookouts in SW Oregon. Photos and info on their lookouts, both past and present. Well done!.
Green Ridge Lookout Article in the Sisters paper about Green Ridge Lookout(no photo-1999)
Black Butte Lookout Article(photo)in the Seattle times about Black Butte Lookout in Central Oregon(1999)
Black Butte Lookout Article in local paper about fire that threatened Black Butte Lookout(1999-no photo)
Bull of the Woods Photo of Bull of the Woods Lookout(NW Oregon)
Watchman Peak Several great QTVR movies taken from Watchman Peak Lookout in the winter-great views of Crater Lake National Park
Iron Mountain Nice photos and info on Iron Mountain Lookout and surrounding area(Willamette NF)
Soda Mountain Photo of Soda Mountain LO(SW Oregon)
Pechuck Lookout Some very nice photos and history on this one of a kind cupola lookout in NW Oregon
Tope Cree Lookout Some funkadellic photos of a lookout in NE Oregon which is the centerpiece of a private recreational area
Acker Rock Lookout Nice photo of a rental lookout on the Umpqua National Forest
Snow Camp Lookout(book) This large site has stories, journal excerpts, stories etc. about Snow Camp Lookout in Oregon's coastal range. Good peek into the lookout lifestyle.This is a sneak peek at David Calahan's book "Snow Camp Lookout, Room with a View, Mouse Included".
Calimus Butte Lookout Lookout(staffed) in Oregon's Winema N.F.(photo, general info)
Warner Mountain Lookout Single photo of a unique(still staffed) lookout tower in the Willamette N.F., Oregon
Mt Pisgah, Dutchamn Pk Some info and photos of Mt. Pisgah LO, Dutchman Pk LO and the remains of the Mt. Mcloughlin LO in Oregon
Bull of the Woods Lookout An interesting story illustrated with photos about a firefighters short stint atop Mt Hood N.F. looout Bull of the Woods in the early 70's during a lightning bust
Pearsoll Peak Lookout Photo and extensive description and directions to a recently restored lookout in Oregon's Siskiyou N.F.
Dutchman's Peak Lookout Photo and general info on a cupola-style lookout
DNR Lookout visit Lots of photos of an abondoned DNR(Washington state)lookout
Panoramic photos from glacier NP Clickable map with old pano photos around Glacier NP
Kloshe Nanitch Lookout-Olympic National Forest Photos, info etc. of a reconstructed cupola-style Lookout--well done site/I>
Tom Bigley's "Little" Bald Mountain Lookout Page Tom Bigley's tribute to "little" Bald mountain which he staffed in 1958. Photos, info, history and even photos of a great model of the lookout he has made.
The Everett Mountaineers committee coordinates volunteer efforts on the ongoing maintenance of Pilchuck Lookout and Three Fingers Lookout, and played a key role in the 1989 renovation of Pilchuck Lookout, and the mid-1980s restoration of Three Fingers Lookout.
Aeneas Mountain pictures and descriptions of a lookout in North Central Washington(Rex Kamstra's home)
Hidden Lake Lookout A hiking destination in the North Cascades National Park-Lookout no longer active.
Conrad Vogel's Fire Lookout Page Some good photos, recent and historical, of lookouts in the Pend Oreille, Idaho area-has some very nice panoramic photos as well
Middle Fork Peak Lookout Nice page put together by the staffer of this lookout in the summer of 1999
Coolwater Mountain Lookout, Nez Perce/Clearwater Jackie Johnson Vaughan is a friend of fire lookouts everywhere and this is her tribute to one she staffed(photo, info)
East Mountain Lookout Restoration This page is dedicated to the restoration effort of a one-of-a-kind lookout built on the Boise N.F. by the CCC in the 1940s. renovation. Hosted by the Central Idaho Cultural Center.
Save East Mountain Another page dedicated to saving a unique and beautiful tower in Idaho
Three Fingers Lookout Some photos of a lookout perched atop rock pinnacles in the Washington Cascades
Roy Schweiker's page Photos of some towers in Colorado,S.D., and Wyoming
Lookout Towers of the Arapaho-Roosevelt NF adn the Rocky Mtn NP some photos and info(slow download, several photos don't download...)>
Development of Fire Lookouts in Tobacco Valley History(no photos) of some lookouts in Montana
McCart Fire Lookout, Montana A fire lookout(interpretive,rental)on the Bitterroot N.F.(photo, lots of info)
Mogollon Baldy(Gila NF,NM) Musings, history and photos-fun read
Tower 'n' infernos nice article(photo) on two lookouts in Arizona(Tonto N.F.)
Jacob Lake and Big Springs Lookouts info and 1 photo on two lookout towers on a Ranger District of the Kaibab NF
San Bernadino Fire Lookout Host Program Large website administered by a lookout host program. These people have their act together. They do volunteer work on eight different lookouts in the San Bernadino area.
Angeles National Forest Fire Lookout Assoc. Very clean page dedicated to providing info on the restoration promotion of and staffing of lookouts in the Angeles NF--Photos, stats, etc.
Chuck's Fire Lookout Page Chuck McFate is a volunteer for the SBNFA LO program and maintains a site on Vetter Mountain LO Some very nice photos!
Buck Rock Foundation Non profit org. with info and photos on the beautiful Buck Rock Lookout on the Sequoia NF
Welcome to Sequoia National Forest Lookouts Nice site put together by Mary Ann Evans with info and photos on current lookouts of the Sequoia NF
Sierra Buttes Lookout Nice photos and hike description to a lookout in California
Schonchin Butte Lookout No photos, but history and description of a NPS lookout in N. California
Bear Mountain Lookout Nice informational article(photo) about lookouts staffed by the CDF and Forest Service in the Redding, California area
Mgaia Image some really great photos of a lookout and its environs taken by a professional photographer/lookout staffer in California
Richcamp's Miami Mtn Fire Lookout Page in and around the sierra nf Page dedicated to some lookouts in the area of the Sierra NF in California-good site
Lookouts on the watch to spot lightning fires An article from a newspaper about lookout life. Based on lookouts in the El Dorado NF, California. Photo. Good article
Mendocino NF fire management photo of Anthony peak lookout on the Mendocino NF, CA
Black Mountain Lookout pictures and info on a lookout on the San Bernadino NF which is no longer in use
Missouri fire lookouts Jim Lyons has put together a very nice site on lookouts of Missouri(searchable database/map etc.).
From YORK to th allagash-forest fire lookouts Maine(some on new hampshire) fire photos, lookout photos, history, and even a book about maine fire towers($16.95) are offered on this site.
Milan Fire Tower A New Hampshire Tower with nice photos, panoramas
Agamenticus Fire Lookout One of the few remaining towers in Maine. Currently staffed by volunteers
Brasstown Bald Fire Lookout Picture of a cool lookout tower in Georgia
Robinson Lookout Tower Photos and info on the only actively staffed lookout tower in Kentucky
Viking Mountain Lookout Pictures of a lookout in Tennessee(no other info given)!
Hanging Rock Lookout See the reconstructed(original destroyed by vandalism) version of this Virginia Lookout often used by local birders
Mount Prospect Fire Tower This unusual tower in a New Hampshire State Park was constructed in 1812. Nice Photos, panoramas, info
Catskill Fire Towers This is a nice site with photos, history and descriptions of fire lookouts in the Catskill Mountains and the effort to raise money to guarantee their restoration.
Tower near Bryceville, Florida An article (with photo)on a lookout near Bryceville, FLA
Ontario's Fire Tower Lookout> Although Ontario no longer has many staffed towers Clayton has put together a great site with photos and information to celebrate their history.
Woodland's Lookouts Bruce Codere's site on the towers he has staffed over the years--very nice sight-history, photos etc.
Cariboo zone lookouts(BC,Canada) Click on each of the 4 "lookouts' tags on the organizational chart to see some very nice photos of lookouts for the Cariboo Fire Centre of the Canadian Forest Service
East Peace Forest District Pictures of Six still active lookouts on a district of the Alberta Land and Forest Service in Canada
Dorset Scenic Lookout Tower and Information Centre Photos, history on a lookout in Ontario
Carbondale Fire Lookout Photo of a lookout in the Rocky Mountains of SW Alberta
Goose Mountain Tower Evan Bedford's site on Australia lookouts-includes a really great page comparing tower life in Australia to that in Canada
Queensland Towers Wow!-these are some impressively huge towers!
Berowra Tower Page dedicated to a recently erected Rural Fire Service tower near Sydney
Lookout Tower in New Zealand I became a little confused in this kiwi-hosted site, but it does have some nice interior/exterior photos of a lookout in New Zealand
Pemberton-things to see and do Picture and brief description of the highest lookout tree in the world in Australia
Mt Lofty Lookout Tower A Lookout in Australia staffed by volunteers Worth checking out this site to see the photo of the VERY different map/firefinder set-up they use in this tower
Lookout trees in Australia The tallest lookout towers in the world...
Thinking about visiting a lookout? Here are some thinks to keep in mind...
How long do lookouts stay up for at a time? What happens if lightning strikes the tower? Click here to find out answers to these and many other commonly asked questions about lookouts
fire and
fire lookout
Map of
Oregon Lookouts