Alberta Bottle Depot Association (ABDA)


The Alberta Bottle Depot Association (ABDA) plays an integral role in Alberta's (Canada) waste managements efforts. Not only is the ABDA the recognized voice for Alberta's bottle depots, an industry that collected over 500,000,000 beverage containers last year, it is also active in expanding the role of the depots as “Eco-Centres” within the province. It is accomplishing this through its negotiations with AUOMA (Alberta Used Oil Management Association) and ongoing research into the field of recycling.

The AUOMA project should make a large dent in collecting the 32,000,000 litres of used oil that goes missing into Alberta's landscap each and every year. This quantity of oil is equivalent to an Exxon Valdeze spill. Oil is also extremely hazardous to the environment. It inhibits growth by destroying soil and a single litre of oil can contaminate 10,000 litres of potable water. By educating consumers to bring their used oil, oil containers and oil filters to their local bottle depot, along with their bottles and cans, it is hoped that Alberta's water reserves, landfills and ecosystems can be protected. If the participation and return rate for beverage containers is any indicator of the potential success for the return of used oil then we could see up to 80% - 90% of the oil being collected.

The bottle depots of Alberta are a network of some 200 collection sites that redeem deposits paid by consumers for their beverage containers. With 85% to 90% of the public having visited a bottle depot, and return rates for most containers in the high 80% range, consumers are well aware of their local bottle depot. The network is in almost every community in Alberta and is serviced regularly by a common collection system.

The goals and aims of the ABDA are to serve its members as a single unified voice and to align itself positively with the environment. To this end the ABDA is working to get other containers included in the system and to expand into other similar areas that can see the network working positively to collect recyclable or environmentally dangerous materials (like used oil).


Redemption rate83%( 85% alum, 70% glass, 80 plastic, 60 bi-metal)
Beverage Sectors incl.All except milk
Deposit Level5 cents <1 L, 20c > 1L
Handling Commission3 cents <1 L, 5c > 1L
Return System214 registered depots
Retailer's Rolerefund up to 24 containers (optional)
ManagementABCRC (industry consortium) & prov.
Program FundsABCRC
Newest InnovationsBCMB- Beverage Container Management Board
Inclusion of aseptics (Sep 1997) and beer(Nov 2001)

Mission Statement

Directors of ABDA

Executive Director: Jeff Linton (Edmonton)

President: Roger Arcand (Hhgh Level)
Vice President: Don Dewinetz (Sundre)
Treasurer: Badur Kherani (Edmonton)

2 Year Directors:
Mohamed Rekieh (Wetaskiwin), Stan Csuti (Edmonton), Blaine Cheverie (Medicine Hat), Harold Imes (Spirit River), Diane Lehr (Red Deer)

1 Year Directors:
Badur Kherani (Edmonton), Dave Brandenburg (Edmonton), Grace Thorpe (Camrose), Farid Remtulla (Calgary), Ashiff Govindji (Calgary)

Annual General Meeting (AGM) 2005

-It will be held in Red Deer , October 01 & 02.

Annual General Meeting (AGM) 2004

-It was held in Calgary at the Sheraton Cavalier , October 16 & 17.

Annual General Meeting (AGM) 2003

-It was held in Edmonton at the Coast Edmonton Plaza, October 18 & 19.

Home| ABDA| Newsletters| ABCRC (Collection)| AUOMA (Oil)| BCMB (Board)| BCRR (Regs)| CDN Depot Sytems| Contacts| US Bottle Bills| E-mail|

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