HTML Tutorial
    What is HTML?
    HTML Basics
    Coding Basics
    Layout Basics
    Meta Tags
    Color Codes
    Symbol Codes
Javascript Tutorial
    No HTML guide would be complete without the following statement. HTML stands for HyperText Markup Language. This is not necessarily important to know but it makes good conversation at a party (Ok, I'm a geek). Now that I said that I can get on with the real content.

    One of the common myths about HTML is that you need to be a programmer or at least a technical wizard in order to learn it. In fact HTML is really just a text version of a program like Microsoft Publisher®. HTML uses tags to specify the style or location of text, images, or other objects. So to make a word bold you have to put <B> in front of the word and </B> at the end of the word. The equivalent operation in Microsoft Publisher® or most other programs would be to highlight the word and press the 'Bold' button. As you can see most HTML tags are fairly simple. By combining a few simple tags you can create very complex looking designs on your webpage. With the inclusion of some pre-written Javascripts and a few simple graphics, you can create a website similar to any professional webpage.

Written by Protoplasm