HTML Tutorial
    What is HTML?
    HTML Basics
    Coding Basics
    Layout Basics
    Meta Tags
    Color Codes
    Symbol Codes
Javascript Tutorial
    I've already explained that any text not in < > will appear on your document in a browser. Actually this is only true for text within the body tags. Text within the title tags appears on title bar. Text anywhere else usually appears on the document too but it can be unpredictable and should always be avoided. What I haven't explained so far is how to change the look of the text. HTML allows you change the text much like you would in word processing program. The only difference is that you now must use tags to make these changes.

    Say I want to change the font my webpage is using. To do this I would use the font tag which looks like this: <FONT></FONT> The font itself is called the face. So to set which font to use, I must set the face attribute of the font tag. I could also set other attributes of fonts like its size and color which can be done through use of the size and color attributes.

<FONT FACE = "Times New Roman" SIZE = "4" COLOR = "#0000FF">
  This is what the text will look like.

    The size attribute is fairly easy to understand. The larger the number, the larger the text is. A -1 would indicate one size smaller than the default size which is usually 3. The color attribute is a bit more complicated. It is actually a hexidecimal representation of the RGB value of a color. If you didn't understand that don't worry. There is a table of colors and their values at the end of this guide.

    In addition to the font tag, there are also several other tags associated with text. These tags include things such as bold, underlining, and italics. The following is not a complete list but it covers the basics.


Written by Protoplasm