Here is a list of common colors. For those of you interested in more specific
colors here is how the color values work. The numbers you see below are hexidecimal. I won't go
into the details about hex (you can look that up in most math books). Basically the color values
work like any RGB color value. The first 2 digits represent the Red value, the next 2 the Green,
and the last 2 the Blue. The valid values for each color are 00 through FF which is the same as
0 through 255 in base 10.
Color | Code |
Black | #000000 |
White | #FFFFFF |
Red | #FF0000 |
Orange | #FF8000 |
Yellow | #FFFF00 |
Dark Gray | #808080 |
Light Gray | #C0C0C0 |
Blue | #0000FF |
Light Blue | #0080FF |
Brown | #800000 |
Dark Green | #008000 |
Light Green | #00FF00 |
Purple | #800080 |
Light Purple | #FF00FF |
Dark Purple | #400080 |