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The State Table
Wristapp Routines

Wristapp Programming
1 - Hello World
2 - Getting Input
3 - Better Input
4 - Showing Selection
5 - PassWord
6 - Day Find
7 - Playing with Sound
8 - Using Callbacks
[This Page] 9 - Hex Dump
10 - EEPROM Dumper
11 - Spend Watch
12 - Sound Schemes
13 - Random Numbers
14 - Hourly Chimes
15 - Lottery Picker

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Using 3 States - HexDump example

Ok, so you have a computer on your wrist.  What better way to show it off than by having a hex dump utility to trapes through memory.  This is a major overhaul of a previous version of the hexdump application that I have posted.  I have turned it into a real application instead of a simple test program.  It also uses the .ZSM file format to allow you to use it with ASM6805.  You can download it here

;Name: Hex Dump
;Version: HEXDUMP
;Description: Hex Dumper - by John A. Toebes, VIII
;This Hex dump routine is a simple thing to test out dumping hex bytes...
; Press the NEXT/PREV buttons to advance/backup by 6 bytes of memory at a time
; Press the SET button to change the location in memory where you are dumping.
;TIP:  Download your watch faster:  Download a WristApp once, then do not send it again.  It stays in the watch!
;HelpFile: watchapp.hlp
;HelpTopic: 106
            INCLUDE "WRISTAPP.I"
; (1) Program specific constants
FLAGBYTE        EQU     $61
;   Bit 0 indicates the direction of the last button
;   The other bits are not used
DIGIT0          EQU     $63
DIGIT1          EQU     $64
DIGIT2          EQU     $65
DIGIT3          EQU     $66
; (2) System entry point vectors
START   EQU     *
L0110:  jmp     MAIN    ; The main entry point - WRIST_MAIN
L0113:  rts             ; Called when we are suspended for any reason - WRIST_SUSPEND
L0116:  rts             ; Called to handle any timers or time events - WRIST_DOTIC
L0119:  rts             ; Called when the COMM app starts and we have timers pending - WRIST_INCOMM
L011c:  rts             ; Called when the COMM app loads new data - WRIST_NEWDATA

L011f:  lda     STATETAB0,X ; The state table get routine - WRIST_GETSTATE

L0123:  jmp     HANDLE_STATE0
        db      STATETAB0-STATETAB0
L0127:  jmp     HANDLE_STATE1
        db      STATETAB1-STATETAB0
L012b:  jmp     HANDLE_STATE2
        db      STATETAB2-STATETAB0
; (3) Program strings
S6_BYTE:        timex6   " BYTE "
S6_DUMPER:      timex6  "DUMPER"
S8_LOCATION     timex   "aaaa    "
; (4) State Table
        db      0
        db      EVT_ENTER,TIM2_12TIC,0          ; Initial state
        db      EVT_RESUME,TIM_ONCE,0           ; Resume from a nested app
        db      EVT_TIMER2,TIM_ONCE,0           ; This is the timer
        db      EVT_DNNEXT,TIM2_8TIC,1          ; Next button
        db      EVT_DNPREV,TIM2_8TIC,1          ; Prev button
        db      EVT_MODE,TIM_ONCE,$FF           ; Mode button
        db      EVT_SET,TIM_ONCE,2              ; Set button
        db      EVT_USER0,TIM_ONCE,$FF          ; Return to system
        db      EVT_END
        db      0
        db      EVT_UPANY,TIM_ONCE,0            ; Releasing the prev or next button
        db      EVT_TIMER2,TIM2_TIC,1           ; Repeat operation with a timer
        db      EVT_END                         ; End of table

        db      2
        db      EVT_RESUME,TIM_ONCE,2           ; Resume from a nested app
        db      EVT_DNANY4,TIM_ONCE,2           ; NEXT, PREV, SET, MODE button pressed
        db      EVT_UPANY4,TIM_ONCE,2           ; NEXT, PREV, SET, MODE button released
        db      EVT_USER2,TIM_ONCE,0            ; Return to state 0
        db      EVT_END                         ; End of table

; (5) State Table 0 Handler
; This is called to process the state events.
; We see ENTER, TIMER2, and RESUME events
        bset    1,APP_FLAGS                     ; Indicate that we can be suspended
        lda     BTNSTATE                        ; Get the event
        cmp     #EVT_ENTER                      ; Is this the initial state?
        bne     SHOWDATA                        ; no, just clean up the screen
; (6) Put up the initial banner screen
        jsr     CLEARALL                        ; Clear the display
        lda     #S6_BYTE-START                  ; Put ' BYTE ' on the top line
        jsr     PUT6TOP
        lda     #S6_DUMPER-START                ; Put 'DUMPER' on the second line
        jsr     PUT6MID
        lda     #SYS8_MODE                      ; Put MODE on the bottom line
        jmp     PUTMSGBOT
; (7) FMTHEX is a routine similar to FMTX, but it handles hex values instead
; Routine: FMTHEX
; Purpose:
;   Format a byte into the buffer
; Parameters:
;   A - Byte to be formatted
;   X - Offset into Message buffer to put the byte
        sta     S8_LOCATION,X   ; Save the byte
        and     #$0f            ; Extract the bottom nibble
        sta     S8_LOCATION+1,X ; Save the hex value of the nibble
        lda     S8_LOCATION,X   ; Get the value once again
        lsra                    ; Shift right by 4 to get the high order nibble

        sta     S8_LOCATION,X   ; And put it back into the buffer
; (8) This is called when we press the prev/next button or when the timer fires during that event
        lda     BTNSTATE
        cmp     #EVT_TIMER2                     ; Is this a repeat/timer event?
        beq     REPEATBTN                       ; yes, do as they asked

        bclr    0,FLAGBYTE                      ; Assume that they hit the prev button
        cmp     #EVT_DNPREV                     ; Did they hit the prev button
        bne     REPEATBTN                       ; Yes, we guessed right
        bset    0,FLAGBYTE                      ; No, they hit next.  Mark the direction.
        brclr   0,FLAGBYTE,NEXTLOC              ; If they hit the next button, go do that operation
; They pressed the prev button, let's go to the previous location
        lda     CURRENT_LOC+1
        sub     #6
        sta     CURRENT_LOC+1
        lda     CURRENT_LOC
        sbc     #0
        sta     CURRENT_LOC
        bra     SHOWDATA
        lda     #6
        add     CURRENT_LOC+1
        sta     CURRENT_LOC+1
        lda     CURRENT_LOC
        adc     #0
        sta     CURRENT_LOC
; (9) This is the main screen update routine.
; It dumps the current memory bytes based on the current address.  Note that since it updates the entire
; display, it doesn't have to clear anything
        jsr     CLEARSYM

        bsr     GETBYTE
        jsr     PUTTOP12

        ldx     #1
        bsr     GETBYTE
        jsr     PUTTOP34

        ldx     #2
        bsr     GETBYTE
        jsr     PUTTOP56

        ldx     #3
        bsr     GETBYTE
        jsr     PUTMID12

        ldx     #4
        bsr     GETBYTE
        jsr     PUTMID34

        ldx     #5
        bsr     GETBYTE
        jsr     PUTMID56

        lda     CURRENT_LOC             ; Get the high order byte of the address
        bsr     FMTHEX          ; Put that at the start of the buffer
        lda     CURRENT_LOC+1           ; Get the low order byte of the address
        ldx     #2
        bsr     FMTHEX          ; Put that next in the buffer

        lda     #S8_LOCATION-START
        jmp     BANNER8
; (10) GETBYTE gets a byte from memory and formats it as a hex value
; Routine: GETBYTE
; Purpose:
;   Read a byte from memory and put it into DATDIGIT1/DATDIGIT2 as hex values
; Parameters:
;   X - Offset from location to read byte
;   CURRENT_LOC - Base location to read from
CURRENT_LOC     EQU     *+1                     ; Self modifying code... Point to what we want to modify
        lda     $4000,X                         ; Get the current byte
        sta     DATDIGIT2                       ; And save it away
        lsra                                    ; Extract the high nibble

        sta     DATDIGIT1                       ; And save it
        lda     DATDIGIT2                       ; Get the byte again
        and     #$0f                            ; Extract the low nibble
        sta     DATDIGIT2                       ; And save it
; (11) State Table 2 Handler
; This is called to process the state events.
; We see SET, RESUME, DNANY4, and UPANY4 events
        bset    1,APP_FLAGS	                ; Indicate that we can be suspended
        lda     BTNSTATE                        ; Get the event
        cmp     #EVT_UPANY4
        beq     REFRESH2
        cmp     #EVT_DNANY4                     ; Is this our initial entry?
        bne     FORCEFRESH
        lda     BTN_PRESSED                     ; Let's see what the button they pressed was
        cmp     #EVT_PREV                       ; How about the PREV button
        beq     DO_PREV                         ; handle it
        cmp     #EVT_NEXT                       ; Maybe the NEXT button?
        beq     DO_NEXT                         ; Deal with it!
        cmp     #EVT_MODE                       ; Perhaps the MODE button
        beq     DO_MODE                         ; If so, handle it
        ; It must be the set button, so take us out of this state
        bsr     SHOWDATA
        lda     #EVT_USER2
        jmp     POSTEVENT
; (12) This handles the update routine to change a digit...
        bset    0,SYSFLAGS                      ; Mark our update direction as up
        bra     DO_UPD
        bclr    0,SYSFLAGS                      ; Mark our update direction as down
        sta     UPDATE_MIN                      ; Our low end is 0
        lda     #$F
        sta     UPDATE_MAX                      ; and the high end is 15 (the hes digits 0-F)
        bsr     GET_DISP_PARM
        lda     #UPD_DIGIT
        jsr     START_UPDATEP                   ; And prepare the update routine   
        bset    4,BTNFLAGS                      ; Mark that the update is now pending
; (13) This is where we switch which digit we are changing...
        lda     CURRENT_DIGIT
        and     #3
        sta     CURRENT_DIGIT
; (14) Refresh the screen and start blinking the current digit...
        lda     DIGIT0                          ; Get the first digit
        lsla                                    ; *16
        add     DIGIT1                          ; Plus the second digit
        sta     CURRENT_LOC                     ; To make the high byte of the address
        lda     DIGIT2                          ; Get the third digit
        lsla                                    ; *16 
        add     DIGIT3                          ; Plus the fourth digit
        sta     CURRENT_LOC+1                   ; To make the low byte of the address
        bclr    7,BTNFLAGS                      ; Turn off any update routine that might be pending
        jsr     SHOWDATA                        ; Format the screen
        ldx     #4                              ; We need to copy over 4 bytes from the buffer
        decx                                    ; This will be one down.
        lda     S8_LOCATION,X                   ; Get the formatted byte
        sta     DIGIT0,X                        ; And store it for the update routine
        tstx                                    ; Did we copy enough bytes?
        bne     COPYIT                          ; No, go back for more
        bsr     GET_DISP_PARM                   ; Get the parm for the blink routine
        lda     #BLINK_DIGIT                    ; Request to blink a digit
        jsr     START_BLINKP                    ; And do it
        bset    2,BTNFLAGS                      ; Mark a blink routine as pending
; (15) This gets the parameters for an UPDATE/BLINK routine
        lda     CURRENT_DIGIT                   ; Figure out what digit we are dumping
        sta     UPDATE_POS                      ; Store it for the BLINK/UPDATE routine
        add     #DIGIT0                         ; Point to the byte to be updated
        tax                                     ; And put it into X as needed for the parameter
; (16) This is the main initialization routine which is called when we first get the app into memory
        lda     #$c0                            ; We want button beeps and to indicate that we have been loaded
        sta     WRISTAPP_FLAGS
        clr     CURRENT_DIGIT                   ; Start out on the first digit

This code has a few notable sections.

  1. Program specific constants - We only really need special storage for the 4 digits which the update/blink routines will handle.
  2. System entry point vectors - We only have a main.  However, we also have 3 state tables.
  3. Program strings - Nothing special here.  We have two strings for the banner and one string that we show the current location with.
  4. State Tables - We have three state tables now.  State table0 does very little other than handle getting into states 1 and 2.  State table 1 is for when you are pressing the prev/next buttons while in the main state to allow you to advance/backup by 6 bytes at a time.  State Table 2 handles all of the setting of the digits.  Note that it would be possible to combine these two states, but it would make the code much more complicated than it needs to be.
  5. State Table 0 Handler - This is actually one of the simplest.  All it has to do is put up the startup banner and then show the current data once that times out.
  6. Initial banner screen - Very simple code to display the name of the application.
  7. FMTHEX is a routine similar to FMTX, but it handles hex values instead.  It is up here in order to allow several of the other BSR instructions to be able to reach the main update routine.  Sometimes moving a subroutine can save you quite a few bytes.
  8. PREV/NEXT Handling This is called when we press the prev/next button or when the timer fires during that event.
  9. Main Update This is the main screen update routine.  Note that we don't have to refresh anything since the entire screen is writen.
  10. GETBYTE gets a byte from memory and formats it as a hex value
  11. State Table 2 Handler - This is very similar to the state handling in the passwd sample.
  12. Changing Digits This handles the update routine to change a digit...
  13. Switching Digits This is where we switch which digit we are changing...
  14. Blinking DigitsRefresh the screen and start blinking the current digit...
  15. GET_DISP_PARM This gets the parameters for an UPDATE/BLINK routine.  We made this a subroutine in order to ensure that everything is kept in sync.  It also saves a few bytes.
  16. Main Initialization This is the main initialization routine which is called when we first get the app into memory.  As usual, there is not a lot that we have to do.