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Hi! Welcome to D2M

D2M What is it?

While I'm building up my artistic strength to create a fine object d'art to place in this space, enjoy a D2M from recent creation

    The photograph below is the centre of the thriving metropolis of Calgary during summer, which occurs for only a brief time. This was indeed a rare shot.

    The other image is of course a self portrait.

D2M is a site of a curious nature.

This site has been satirized, for your protection.
[ Which is far more environmentally responsible than our regular brand ]
[ Dealer may sell for less ]

There is no hidden meaning since the "strategy plan" has not even been revealed to me. Hmmm, sounds like a committee was involved.

[ What is it? ] To answer this I am reminded of an old "light bulb joke" from a few years ago:
Q: How many Zen masters does it take to change a light bulb?
A: A tree in a golden forest.

This my friends, is the very essence of this site.

Also for no additional charge the answers to all your questions for the next foreseeable time will be: Nine.

There are several projects afoot:

    Family Tree - this is a project that has no end in sight!
    Mac Projects - many ideas to keep one sane.
    This site - also an on-going project to keep me sane (this could me argued).

To supplement the D2M experience:

  1. Located on most pages are quick & dirty links to the other pages.
  2. There is some links to home pages of fellow webists on the "link" page.
  3. Also on the link page are some outstanding Mac sites.
  4. Enjoy!

Note to all that got thus far, the vast majority of the pages are changing to something at little more pleasing. This would expect to take the winter months to solve. Immediate changes are the "tool bar" item at the top of recently touched pages along with the redesign of the "D2M" image.
The image has not been resolved, I have no idea yet which to choose from.

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Now how can you forget to send me a note with such a nice long link as this?

Necessary sites to visit.

No day is complete without the Cubical Comic .
Not to sound too pro Mac, but....
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May the OS be with you
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D2M answers some of your questions.

So where is this picture?

    As promissed here, or near by is some details of me and the history of the page. I have a gif of me somewhere here (see self portrait above) and it turns out it is on the pict page. It is not very flattering since I was at work at the time and the fellow who took the image did it when I was busy. The pict page is linked from the Family tree page and the bottom of most others. All or rather most links to other pages are kept at the top of most pages just to keep it simple.

What do you do? and where?
    The company I work for takes me to places I would never imagine going to otherwise. When at work I do what the rest of the company does but different. I know that does not make any sense but let me explain. There is 3 of us in my area that take care of our business that dozens of others do not, but are capable. Why you say, well it's one of those great unknown's, perhaps the test gear or the paper work, hard to say. How the job came about was, I filled an empty spot that no one else wanted (sole applicant) and where I came from I have a slight idea how I got that job.
    I am in an area called "transmission" and no it has nothing to do with cars nor their drive trains. It is the transport of voice or data from one site to another. Not just dialing or answering but dedicated circuits that are perhaps unique to anything else the company provides. Where I came from in the company was "data". This is also a strange area of the company where a bunch of misfits are going about the day to day task of doing what they do without any regard to how long it takes to do the job. Again I know this sounds strange but it's true. There are times when it can take days to get a circuit up and going for unknown reasons. This bugs the hell out of me, there is very little preparation or pre-testing done before the turn-up time. Often the time taken waiting is at the fault of other related companies, but not always. This may seem unusual and different while it has unique problems to itself they are solved daily and never does it seem to fix the all around way of doing things. Sound familiar? The way things are done are seldom questioned? Just do it and shaddup.
    When I first started in Data the time it took to complete a job was secondary and very difficult to get used to. Since the job before this was PABX repair and every job had a strict time frame for completion and added pressure from the customer. Data was also strange in that one of the first questions asked before taking the job was something about ones & zeros. I answered I have some knowledge of their existance and was given some strange test gear and pushed out the door.
    After entertaining myself with the beeping test gear and watching it glow in the dark, one comes to the sudden conclusion that this is fun, well if it was not always at some very undesirable places such as the basements of very old shopping malls and welding shops we have a reasonable go of it. Actually the most interesting and entertaining places were the small town bars and hotels. Here is the true life of the town and you don't want to have lunch there. The visit to these places usually begins in the "kitchen" and generally envolves the cook's living space, the basement, every room in between, the bar & the regulars. By the regulars I mean these are the people that line up every day to get in these places that if they had a life they would be somewhere else. I would. I had the advantage where I would be leaving and not comming back unless it was to fix something that I told them not to touch. Things such as the power cord, "Do not un-plug this unless you want the system to quit", I would tell them. Well sometimes it would be hours or days and somebody would remove the plug to see what would happen and sure enough the system would die. Personally I think they really wanted to see how fast I could drive 100 miles to get back there, and tell me more stories about their kin folk.

Don't have a little too much to say about 'yer job?

Recently notice has been made that the web page author's origin seems to be a secret?

    Well not here, from high atop the thriving metropolis on the mighty shores of the majestic Bow we have through the marvels of modern smoke and mirrors, proudly a color picture of the authors home town. Check out the map page.

Is this page/site organized?

    No. To the best of my recollection, on or about the last week of April 1997 union brother Al from the office made the statement, "You should have a web page". Details aside although after several dark and stormy nights we have this and surounding pages. This page is the second effort (the "orig" is the first) with a few adjustments here and there. When added up it was just under a month to get to the point of no return. Well perhaps to the point where it would run to an acceptable level. I have noticed the pages do not appear the same from my point of view behind a Mac as they do on some DOS/wintel boxes. I have not really explored this in any detail at all but to add at the help desk (my company is an ISP as well) some SUN workstations do a great job of it. After several revisions and little bits and pieces added the flow has been lost. Actually the flow was only 2 pages and it was one or the other, you know.
    A note of interest to those machines that may not display the stuff as it was written.
    I have sat and thought about this for a few seconds and have come to the conclusion, if it does not look good on your machine, too bad. It looks VERY good here, but you can always let me know if something is keeping you awake at nights. This is written with the utmost care and attention to detail (to make it just squeek by) that trivial details like spelling and font sizes will be ignored. I suggest you do the same, life is way too short to worry about the size of your font.
    I use always the newest versions of QuickTime, Netscape & enough plugins running on a 603PPC Mac. Speaking of Mac, May the OS be with you.

to be continued...

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