The "Ekocentrum" in Gothenburg is a foundation
consisting of four independent environmental organizations. The
foundation's objective is to distribute information on ecological
technology and environmental issues. This Forum seeks to promote a
strategy of sustainable development and, through its exhibition space in
Sankt Jörgens Park, demonstrate those alternatives that are already
available for a sustainable society.
The exhibition is free and open daily. It appeals to a broad spectrum of
the general public: local decision-markers, students from Chalmers
University of Technology and Gothenburg University, teachers, school
children, home-owners, etc.
In addition, the foundation intends to open an "environmental
laboratory" in which visitors can see how a solar cell functions and
how to make their own detergents; it also performs other experiments with
ecological themes. Together, the exhibition and laboratory are designed to
convey an understanding of material and energy resource flows as well as
the possibilities inherent in sustainable development.
The Ekocentrum has a large space on permanent exhibition dealing with
nearly everything that has a connection to ecology. Solar cells, wind
energy, ecological construction, and biologically-cultivated groceries are
a few examples. In addition, the center houses a second exhibition space
that deals with thematic topics such as ecological clothing, composting,
ecological communities, and even biological toilets.
The Ekocentrum offers guided tours of the exhibition. Our guides provide
in-depth information on the products displayed as well as the thematic
exhibition, but also provide a forum for a deeper discussion of man's
place within the ecological system.
The Center sponsors courses on subjects such as "Build your own
electric car" and "Constructing a solar collector". A small
shop in Ekocentrum sells environmentally-friendly detergents, ecological
clothing, literature, etc. Visitors are also served biologically-grown
coffee, buns, etc.
For further information please visit the Ekocentrum's