Basic Publications of the Tallinn Research
Group and the Baltic Branch
Here, we present the most full bibliography of our basic
published works regarded from the following angles: (1) monographs, books and
collections of papers, and (2) papers and scientific
reports. These publications are grouped in the three classes: (A) Cellular Automata (Homogeneous
Structures) and their Applications, (B) Informatics and Related
Topics, and (C) Other Topics of Research Activity.
A. Cellular Automata (Homogeneous Structures) Theory
and Their Applications
1-a. Monographs, Books and Collections
1. Aladjev V.Z. Computability in the Homogeneous
Structures, vol. 1-2, 2850,3023.- M.: VINITI Press, 1971, 120 p. (in
Russian with extended English summary).
2. Aladjev V.Z. To Theory of the Homogeneous
Structures, no. 4204.- Moscow: VINITI Press, 1971, 40 p. (in
Russian with extended English summary).
3. Aladjev V.Z. To the Theory of the Homogeneous
Structures.- Tallinn: Estonian Academic Press, 1972, 259 p. (in
Russian with extended English summary).
4. Aladjev V.Z. Mathematical Theory of Homogeneous
Structures and Their Applications.- Tallinn: Valgus Press, 1980, 267
5. Aladjev V.Z. and et al. Mathematical Developmental Biology.-
Moscow: Science Press, 1982, 254 p. (in Russian with extended English
6. Aladjev V.Z. Homogeneous Structures: Theoretical
and Applied Aspects.- Kiev: Technika Press, 1990, 272 p. (in
Russian with extended English summary).
7. Aladjev V.Z., Tupalo
V.G. Scientific
and Practical Activity of the TRG: Final Results During the 25 Years
8. Parallel
Processing and Parallel Algorithms // Ed. V.Z.
Valgus Press, 1981, 320 p. (in Russian with extended English summary)
9. Parallel
Processing Systems
/ Ed. V.Z. Aladjev.- Tallinn: Valgus Press, 1983,
376 p. (in Russian with extended English summary).
10. Aladjev V.Z. Solutions of a Number of Problems in
the Mathematical Theory of Homogeneous Structures, TR-040684.-
Tallinn: P/A Silikaat, 1985, 355 p. (in Russian with extended
English summary).
11. Aladjev V.Z.,
Zinkevich T.G. The
Classical Homogeneous Structures, TR-041285.- Tallinn: P/A
Silikaat, 1985, 225 p. (in Russian with extended English summary).
12. Aladjev V.Z. Recent Results in the Theory of
Homogeneous Structures, TR-041285.- Tallinn: P/A Silikaat,
1985, 197 p. (in Russian with extended English summary).
13. Structurally-Analitycal
Models and Algorithms for Recognition and Identification of Control Objects // Ed. V.Z. Aladjev.- Kiev: Technika, 1993 (in
Russian with extended English summary)
14. Aladjev V.Z., Hunt
Ü.J., Shishakov M.L.
Questions of Mathematical Theory of the Classical Homogeneous
Structures.- Gomel: BELGUT Press, 1997, 151 p. (in Russian with
extended English summary).
15. Aladjev V.Z., Hunt
Ü.J., Shishakov M.L.
Mathematical Theory of the Classical Homogeneous Structures.-
Gomel: TRG&VASCO&Salcombe Eesti Ltd., 1998, 300 p. (in
Russian with extended English summary).
16. Aladjev V.Z., Hunt
Ü.J., Shishakov M.L.
Research Activity of the Tallinn Research Group: Scientific Report for Period 1995-1998.- Tallinn-Gomel-Moscow: Russian
Academy of Noosphere & Salcombe Eesti, 1998, 80 p. (in Russian with
extended English summary).
2-a. Papers and Scientific Reports
17. Aladjev V.Z. A Problem about Matrices, Arizing in
the Theory of the Self-reproducing Automata // Proc. AN ESSR. Fiz.-Mathem., 19,
? 2, 1970 (in Russian with extended English summary).
18. Aladjev V.Z. Some Questions, Arizing in the Theory
of the Homogeneous Structures // Proc. of AN ESSR. Biology, 19, ? 3, 1970, pp.
19. Aladjev V.Z. A Theorem in the Theory of Homogeneous
Structures // Proc. AN ESSR. Fiz.-Math., 19, ? 3, 1970 (in Russian with
extended English summary).
20. Aladjev V.Z. To an Asymptotical Property of
Stochastic Homogeneous Structures // Proc. AN ESSR. Fiz.-Mathem., 20, ? 2, 1971
(in Russian with extended English summary).
21. Aladjev V.Z. Some Estimations for Neumann-Moore`s Structures
// Proc. AN ESSR. Fiz.-Math., 20, ? 3, 1971, pp. 335-342 (in Russian with
extended English summary).
22. Aladjev V.Z. Two Models Solving the French Flag
Problem // Proc. AN ESSR Fiz.-Math., 20, ? 3, 1971, pp.360-362 (in Russian
with extended English summary).
23. Aladjev V.Z., Efimov
N.I. To Some
Properties of Moore`s Structures // Proc. AN ESSR. Fiz.-Mathem., 20, ? 2, 1971,
pp. 208-210 (in Russian with extended English summary).
24. Aladjev V.Z., Orav
Ү? A Numerical
Model of Regulation of the Axial Structures // Proc. AN ESSR. Fiz.-Mathem., 20,
? 3, 1971 (in Russian with extended English summary).
25. Aladjev V.Z.,
Poluektov R.? About
Models of Regulation of the Multi-dimensional Structures // Proc. AN ESSR.
Biology, 20, ? 4, 1971, pp. 360-363 (in Russian with extended English
26. Aladjev V.Z. To the Theory of the Homogeneous
Structures // Proc. AN ESSR. Fiz.-Math., 21, ? 2, 1972, pp. 224-228 (in
Russian with extended English summary).
27. Aladjev V.Z. Computability in Homogeneous Structures
// Proc. AN ESSR. Fiz.-̡them., 21, ? 1, 1972, pp. 79-83 (in Russian with
extended English summary).
28. Aladjev V.Z. Some Questions Concerning
Nonconctructability and Computability in Homogeneous Structures // Proc. AN
ESSR. Fiz.-Mathem., 22, ? 2, 1973, 210-214 (in Russian with extended English
29. Aladjev V.Z. Some Algorithmical Questions in the
Mathematical Biology of Development // Proc. AN ESSR. Biology, 22, ? 1,
1973 (in Russian with extended English summary).
30. Aladjev V.Z. Tau(n)-Grammars and Generated by
Them Languages // Proc. AN ESSR. Biology, 23, ? 1, 1974, pp. 67-87 (in
Russian with extended English summary).
31. Aladjev V.Z., Orav
T.A. Problems of the
Cybernetical Modelling of the Development Processes // Proc. AN ESSR. Biology,
23, ? 3, 1974, pp. 197 (in Russian with extended English summary)
32. Aladjev V.Z., Osipov
O.B. About a Method
of Modelling in the Homogeneous Structures // Proc. AN ESSR. Fiz.-Math., 23, ?
4, 1974, pp. 414-417 (in Russian with extended English summary).
33. Aladjev V.Z. About the Complexity of the Parallel
Algorithms Defined by Homogeneous Structures // Proc. AN ESSR. Fiz.-Math., 24,
? 2, 1975 (in Russian with extended English summary).
34. Aladjev V.Z., Osipov
O.B. To an Question
of Realization of the Operating Systems in Computational Structures and Media
// Proc. 4-th All-Union Conf. on Homogeneous Comp. Syst. and Media.- Kiev,
1975, pp. 125-130 (in Russian with extended English summary)
35. Aladjev V.Z. Characterizations of One-Dimensional
Homogeneous Structures in the Terms of Two-Way Pushdown Automata, in the book [95],
pp. 244
36. Aladjev V.Z. To a Concept of the Homogeneous
Structures, in
the book [95].
37. Aladjev V.Z., Osipov
O.B., Efimov N.I.
Contents of the Theory of Homogeneous Structures and Their Applications, in the book [95],
pp. 198-213 (in Russian with extended English summary).
38. Aladjev V.Z., Osipov
O.B. Modelling of
the Operating Systems on the Homogeneous Structures, in the book [95],
pp. 214-243 (in Russian with extended English summary).
39. Aladjev V.Z.,
Klushnikov V.B. Some
Properties of Configurations, in collection [96], pp.156-182 (in Russian with extended English summary).
40. Aladjev V.Z., Osipov
O.B. A Parallel
Processing System, in
collection [97] (in Russian with extended English summary).
41. Aladjev V.Z., Osipov
O.B., Vaganov V.A.
Inculcation Problems of Parallel Processing Technology for Book-keeping, in collection [8],
pp. 167-176 (in Russian with extended English summary).
42. Aladjev V.Z. Some Perspectives of Development of the
Homogeneous Structures Theory as a Formal Apparatus of Investigation of
Parallel Computational Technique, in collection [8], pp. 177-210 (in Russian with
extended English summary).
43. Aladjev V.Z. Cybernetical Modelling of the
Development Biology, in collection [8], pp. 211-280 (in Russian with
extended English summary).
44. Aladjev V.Z. To Nonconstructability in Homogeneous
Structures, in
collection [97], p. 154-171 (in Russian with extended English summary).
45. Aladjev V., Veetyusme
R. On Composition
Problem in Homogeneous Structures, in collection [97], pp. 172-178 (in Russian with extended English summary).
46. Aladjev V.Z. Perspectives of Development of the
Homogeneous Structures Theory // Proc. 3-rd Hungarian Conf. on Comput.
Systems.- Budapest: Hungary Academy of Science, 1981, pp. 17-34 (in Russian
with extended English summary).
47. Aladjev V.Z. The Selected Questions of the
Homogeneous Structures Theory, in collection [9], pp. 141-341 (in Russian with
extended English summary).
48. Aladjev V.Z. A Description of a Parallel Processing
System for IBM/360 Series in Terms of System of Algorithmic Algebras // Proc.
All-Union Seminar on Parallel Programming and High-Productivity Computational
Systems.- Kiev, 1982, pp. 75-87 (in Russian with extended English summary).
49. Aladjev V.Z., Osipov
O.B. An Approach to
Creation of High-Productivity Processing Systems on Basis of Hardware of
Multi-Acess Comp. Centers // Computational Systems, 3, 1983 (in Russian with
extended English summary).
50. Aladjev V.Z. Theoretical and Applied Aspects of the
Homogeneous Structures // Means and Methods of Analogous and Digital
Processing.- Tallinn:
51. Aladjev V.Z., Tupalo
V.G. Homogeneous
Structures:Theoretical and Applied Aspects, in the book [109],
pp. 421-429.
52. Aladjev V.Z. Operations on Languages Generated by Tau(n)-Grammars
/ Com. Mathem., Univ. of Carolinae Praga, 15, no. 2, 1974, pp. 211-220.
53. Aladjev V.Z. On the Equivalence of Tau(n)-Grammars
and Sb(m)-Grammars / Com. Mathem., Univ. of Carolinae Praga, 15, no. 4,
1974, pp. 717.
54. Aladjev V.Z. Survey of Research in the Theory of
Homogeneous Structures and Their Applications // Mathem. Biosciences, 22, 1974,
pp. 121-154.
55. Aladjev V.Z. The Behavioural Properties of
Homogeneous Structures // The First Intern. Symposium on USAL,
56. Aladjev V.Z. The Behavioural Properties of
Homogeneous Structures // Math. Biosciences, 24, 1976, pp. 224-242.
57. Aladjev V.Z. Some New Results in the Theory of
Homogeneous Structures // Proc. Internat. Symp. on Math. Topics in Biology,
58. Aladjev V.Z. Theory of Homogeneous Structures and
Their Applications // Proc. 2-nd Intern. Conf. on Math. Model.,
Sant-Louis, 1979.
59. Aladjev V.Z. Nagy Teljesitokepessegu Rendszerek uj
Medkozelitese // Szamitas Technika.-
60. Aladjev V.Z. Homogeneous Structures in Engineering
Science // Proc. 19-th Annual Meeting Society of Engineering Science.-
61. Aladjev V.Z. The General Modern Problems in the
Mathematical Theory of Homogeneous Structures // Abstracts of Inter. Workshop PARCELLA-82.-
Berlin: Akademie-Verlag, 1982.
62. Aladjev V.Z. and et.
al. A Parallel
Control System for Homogeneous Computational Systems, in collection [9], pp. 13-106 (in Russian with extended English summary).
63. Aladjev V.Z. Homogeneous Structures in Mathematical
Modelling // The 4-th Intern. Conf. on Mathem. Modelling.- Zurich, 1983.
64. Aladjev V.Z. New Results in the Theory of
Homogeneous Structures // Informatik-Skripten, no. 3, Braunschweig, 1984, pp.
65. Aladjev V.Z. New Results in the Theory of
Homogeneous Structures // MTA Szamitas es. Autom. Tanulman., 158,
66. Aladjev V.Z. A Criterion of Nonconstructability in
Homogeneous Structures // Proc. Internat. Workshop PARCELLA-84.-
67. Aladjev V.Z. A Few Results in the Theory of
Homogeneous Structures // Mathem. Res., Band 25.- Berlin: Akademie-Verlag,
68. Aladjev V.Z. Recent Results in the Theory of
Homogeneous Structures // MTA Szamitas es. Autom. Tanulma., 185,
69. Aladjev V.Z. Recent Results in the Mathematical
Theory of the Homogeneous Structures // Trends, Techn. and Problems in Theor.
Comp. Science / Lecture Notes in Comp. Sci., Band 281, 1986, pp. 110-128.
70. Aladjev V.Z. Homogeneous Structures in Mathematical
Modeling // Proc. 6-th Intern. Conf. on Math. Modelling,
71. Aladjev V.Z. Recent Results in the Theory of
Homogeneous Structures / Parallel Processing by Cellular Automata and Arrays.-
Amsterdam: North-
72. Aladjev V.Z. Unsolved Theoretical Problems in
Homogeneous Structures // Math. Res., Band 48.- Berlin: Akademie-Verlag,
73. Aladjev V.Z. Survey of Some Theoretical Results and
Applicability Aspects in Parallel Computation Modelling // Journal of New
Gener. Comput. Systems, 1, no. 4, 1988, pp. 307-317.
74. Aladjev V.Z. Recent Results in the Mathematical
Theory of Homogeneous Structures / New Trends in Comput. Sciences:-
75. Aladjev V.Z. Recent Results on the Theory of
Homogeneous Structures / New Approaches to Parallel Processing.- Berlin: Akademie-Verlag,
1988, pp. 128-147.
76. Aladjev V.Z. The Complexity Problem in Homogeneous
Structures // The Internat. Conference on Comput. Sciences.- Praga, 1988, pp.
77. Aladjev V.Z. Computer Investigation of the
Homogeneous Structures // The Internat. Conferen. IMYCS-88.-
78. Aladjev V.Z. Survey on the Homogeneous Structures
/ Tech. Rept., no. 18-12/89. PTIP MPSM,
79. Aladjev V.Z. An Interactive Program System for
Modelling of Homogeneous Structures // 7-th Intern. Conf. on Math. & Comp.
80. Aladjev V.Z. and et.
al. Unsolved
Theoretical Problems in Homogeneous Structures // Proc. of the 4-th Intern.
Workshop on Parallel Processing by Cellular Automata and Arrays, 342,
Springer-Verlag, 1988, pp. 33-50.
81. Aladjev V.Z. and et.
al. Theoretical and
Applied Aspects of Homogeneous Structures // Proc. Intern. Workshop PARCELLA-90.-
Berlin: Akademie-Verlag Press, 1990, pp. 48-70.
82. Aladjev V.Z. Homogeneous Structures: Theoretical
and Applied Aspects // Proc.the 8-th Int. Conf. on Math. and Comput.
83. Aladjev V.Z., Hunt
Ü.J., Shishakov M.L.
Mathematical Theory of the Homogeneous Structures and Their
84. Aladjev V.Z., Hunt
Ü.J., Shishakov M.L.
Research Activity of the TRG: Scientific Report for Period of 1995-1998.-
85. Aladjev V.Z., Hunt
Ü.J., Shishakov M.L.
Homogeneous Structures: Conception, Basics of Theory and
86. Aladjev V.Z., Hunt
Ü.J. Fundamental
Problems in the Theory of the Classical Homogeneous Structures. TRG
Research Report 55/97.- Tallinn: VASCO & Salcombe Eesti
Ltd., 1997, 555 p. (in Russian with extended English summary).
87. Parallel Processing
and Parallel Algorithms - Survey / Ed. V.Z. Aladjev Tallinn:
Estonian Branch of the VGPTI, 1983, 155 p. (in Russian with
extended English summary).
88. Barinov V.V.,
Martynenko J.G., Kovalev G.B. To an Ulam-Aladjev`s Problem, in the book [9],
pp. 341-346 (in Russian with extended English summary).
89. Mazurenko V.I.,
Osnovina L.V.
General Results of Scientific Activity of the TRG on Parallel Processing
and Parallel Algorithms for Period of 1979-1982, in collection [9],
pp. 347-357 (in Russian with extended English summary).
90. Aladjev V.Z., Hunt
Ü.J., Shishakov M.L.
Tallinn Research Group on Cellular Automata and Informatics: Scientific and
Applied Activity During the Period 1995-1998 years.- The Russian Academy of Noosphere:
91. The Baltic Branch
of the
92. Aladjev V.Z.,
Shishakov M.L., Trohova T.A. Applied aspects of the theory of homogeneous structures // Proc
of the 8-th Byelorussian mathematical
conference, vol. 4.? Minsk: BSU, 2000. ? p. 5.
93. Aladjev V.Z.,
Shishakov M.L., Trohova T.A. Modelling in the classical homogeneous structures // Proc. of
Internat. Conf. on Mathematical Modelling (̊̌-2000).?
B. Informatics and Related Topics
1-b. Monographs, Books and Collections
94. Aladjev V.Z., Osipov
O.B. Introduction
to Operating Systemof IBM/360 Computers, Vol. 1-2.- Tallinn: CPTI
V/O Sojuztorgsystem Press, 1975, 276 p. (in Russian
with extended English summary).
95. Aladjev
V.Z., Osipov O.B. Introduction
to Architecture of IBM/360 Computers.- Tallinn: Valgus
Press, 1976, 332 p. (in Russian with extended English summary).
96. Software of IBM/360
Computers and CACS
// Ed. V.Z.
97. A Data Base
Management System on the Basis of Operating System MINIOS and DBMS OKA // Ed. V.Z. Aladjev.- Tallinn: Valgus Press, 1980,
180 p. (in Russian with extended English summary).
98. Aladjev V.Z. Architecture and Software of PDP-11 Computers.- Tallinn: IVC Gosbanka USSR,
1983, 80 p. (in Russian with extended English summary).
99. Aladjev V.Z. Lectures on Personal Computer WANG 2200MVP.- Tallinn: SKB MPCM ESSR, 1986,
180 p. (in Russian with extended English summary).
100. Aladjev V.Z.,
Shirodza I.B. Solution
of Engineering Problems in Operating Media of Language Basic for PC WANG 2200MVP.- Harkov: HAI Press, 1988, 128
p. (in Russian with extended English summary).
101. Aladjev V.Z. and et
al. Personal
Computer WANG
2200MVP.- Kiev: USE
Press 1989, 150 p. (in Russian with extended English summary).
102. Aladjev V.Z. and et
al. Design of
Software for PC WANG
220MVP.- Kiev: Technika Press, 1989, 255
p. (in Russian with extended English summary).
103. Aladjev V.Z.,
Shilenko V.F. Personal
Computer IBM PC/XT.- Kiev: USE Press, 1990, 490 p. (in Russian with
extended English summary).
104. Aladjev V.Z.,
Shirodza I.B. Personal
Computers IBM PC/XT: Instrumental Tools and Software Design.-
Tallinn: TRG & VASCO & Salcombe Eesti Ltd, 1991, 457 p. (in
Russian with extended English summary).
105. Aladjev V.Z. Scientific-Technical CADS.-
Kiev: USE Press, 1991, 432 p. (in Russian with extended English
106. Aladjev V.Z.,
Gershgorn N.A. Computational
Problems on Personal Computer.- Kiev: Technika Press, 1991, 248 p. (in
Russian with extended English summary).
107. Aladjev V.Z. and
et. al. Utilities
for Personal Computer.- Kiev: Technika Press, 1992, 152 p. (in
Russian with extended English summary).
108. Aladjev V.Z.,
Shirodza I.B. Computer
Mixture.- Tallinn: CAPT Press, 1992, 355 p. (in Russian with
extended English summary).
109. Aladjev V.Z.,
Tupalo V.G. Computer
Reader.- Kiev: USE Press, 1993, 448 p. (in Russian with extended
English summary).
110. Aladjev V.Z.,
Tupalo V.G. Turbo-Pascal for All.- Kiev: Technika Press, 1993,
185 p. (in Russian with extended English summary).
111. Aladjev V.Z.,
Tupalo V.G. Scientific
Editting and Statistics on Personal Computer.- Moscow: MintopenergoPress,
1993, 106 p. (in Russian with extended English summary).
112. Aladjev V.Z.,
Tupalo V.G. Computer
Telecommunication.- Moscow: Mintopenergo Press, 1993, 140 p.
(in Russian with extended English summary).
113. Aladjev V.Z.,
Tupalo V.G. Algebraic
Computations on Computers.- Moscow: Mintopenergo Press, 1993, 252 p.
(in Russian with extended English summary).
114. Aladjev V.Z., Hunt
Ü.J., Shishakov M.L.
Mathematics on Personal Computer // Ed. Acad. A.D. Ursul.- Gomel: BELGUT Press, 1996, 318
p. (in Russian with extended English summary)
115. Aladjev V.Z.,
Shishakov M.L. Introduction
to Media of Package Mathematica 2.2.-
Moscow: FILIN Press, 1997, 363 p. (in Russian with extended English
116. Aladjev V.Z., Hunt
Ü.J., Shishakov M.L.
Fundamentals of Computer Informatics // Ed. Acad. A.D. Ursul.- Gomel: TRG&Salcombe Eesti
117. Aladjev V.Z., Hunt
Ü.J., Shishakov M.L.
Basics of Informatics. Text-book,
118. Aladjev V.Z., Hunt
Ü.J., Shishakov M.L.
Basics of Informatics. Text-book, 2-nd edition.- Moscow: FILIN Press, 1999, 525 p. (in
Russian with extended English summary).
119. Efimova M.O., Hunt
Ü.J. Geometry of
Drawing: Graphical
Package AutoTouch // Ed. Acad. V.Z. Aladjev.- Gomel: VASCO&Salcombe Eesti
Ltd.&TRG, 1997, 72 p. (in Russian with extended English summary).
120. Aladjev V.Z.,
Vaganov V.A., Hunt Ü.J., Shishakov M.L. Introduction to Media of Mathematical Package Maple V.-Gomel: Russian Academy of Noosphere,
1998, 320 p. (in Russian with extended English summary).
121. Aladjev V.Z.,
Vaganov V.A., Hunt Ü.J., Shishakov M.L. Programming in the Environment of Mathematical Package Maple V.- Tallinn-Gomel-Moscow: TRG,
1999, 470 p. (in Russian with extended English summary).
122. Aladjev V.Z.,
Vaganov V.A., Hunt Ü.J.., Shishakov M.L. A Workstation for Mathematicians.-
Tallinn-Gomel-Moscow: VASCO&Salcombe Eesti Ltd., 1999, 608 p. (in
Russian with extended English summary).
123. Aladjev V.Z.,
Shishakov M.L., Trohova T.A. Basics of Computer Informatics. Reference Book.- Minsk: Tetrasystems Press, 1999,
496 p. (in Russian with extended English summary)
124. Aladjev V.Z.,
Shishakov M.L. Programming
in the Environment of Mathematical Package Maple V.- Moscow: BINOM Press, 1999, 490
p. (in Russian with extended English summary)
125. Aladjev V.Z.,
Bogdevicius M.A. Solution
of Physical, Technical and Mathematical Problems with Maple V.- Vilnius: VTU Press, 1999, 670 p.
(in Russian with extended English summary)
126. Aladjev V.Z.,
Bogdevicius M.A., Hunt Ü.J. A Workstation for Mathematicians.- in the book [125],
pp. 663-664, (in Russian with extended English summary).
127. Aladjev
V.Z., Shishakov M.L. Workstation of Mathematician.- Moscow: Laboratory of Basic Knowledge,
2000, pp. 752 + CD-ROM, ISBN 5-93208-052-3 (in Russian with extended English summary)
128. Aladjev V.Z., Bogdevicius M.A. Maple 6: Solution of Mathematical, Statistical and
Engineering-physical Problems.- Moscow: Laboratory of Basic Knowledge, 2001, pp. 850 + CD-ROM,
ISBN 5-93308-085-X (in
Russian with extended English summary)
129. Aladjev V.Z., Bogdevicius M.A. Special Questions of Operation in Environment
of the Mathematical Package Maple.-
Vilnius: International Academy of Noosphere & Vilnius Gediminas Technical
University, 2001, pp. 208 + diskette with Library, ISBN 9985-9277-2-9 (in Russian with extended English summary)
130. Aladjev V.Z., Bogdevicius M.A. Interactive Maple: Solution of the
Mathematical, Statistical and Engineering-Physical Problems.- Tallinn:
131. Aladjev V.Z., Vaganov V.A., Grishin
E.P. Additional Software
of the Mathematical Package Maple of releases 6
and 7.- Tallinn:
132. Aladjev
V.Z. Additional
Software for the Mathematical Package Maple of releases 6 and 7.- Moscow: Laboratory of Basic Knowledge, 2002, 334 p. + CD,
ISBN 5-93208-118-ՠ(in
Russian with extended English summary)
133. Aladjev V.Z., Liopo V.A., Nikitin A.V. Mathematical Package Maple in Physical Modelling.- Grodno: Grodno State University, 2002,
416 p., ISBN 3-093-31831-3 (in Russian with extended English summary)
134. Aladjev V.Z., Vaganov V.A. Computer Algebra System Maple: A New Software Library.- Tallinn:
135. Aladjev V.Z., Bogdevicius M.A.,
Prentkovskis O.V. A
New Software for Mathematical Package Maple of Releases 6, 7 and 8.- Vilnius:
136. Aladjev V.Z., Vaganov V.A. Systems of Computer Algebra: A New Software Toolbox for Maple.- Tallinn:
137. Aladjev V.Z., Bogdevicius M.A., Vaganov
V.A. Systems of Computer Algebra: A New Software Toolbox for Maple. Second edition.- Tallinn:
138. Aladjev V.Z. Computer Algebra Systems: A New Software Toolbox for Maple.- Palo Alto: Fultus Corporation, 2004,
575 p., ISBN
2-b. Papers and Scientific Reports
139. Aladjev V.Z. A Configuration of Operating System
OS/360 for CACS of Ministry of Trade of the Estonian
SSR // Proc. VNIIET-Systems.-
140. Aladjev V.Z. Software Industry, in collection [96],
pp. 145-156 (in Russian with English summary)
141. Aladjev V.Z.,
Fishman J.I. An
Approach to Creation of Control Program System of CACS Software on the
Basis of OS/360, in
collection [96], pp. 128-144 (in Russian with extended English summary).
142. Aladjev V.Z.,
Klushnikov V.
Comparative Analysis of Operating Systems DOS/360 and OS/360, in collection [96],
pp. 118-127 (in Russian with English summary).
143. Aladjev V.Z.,
Osipov 0.B. Training
of Problem Programmers for Third Generation Computers, in collection [96],
pp. 104-117 (in Russian with English summary).
144. Aladjev V.Z.,
Lukash N.A., Mazurenko V.I. Problems of Realization of the Homogeneous Computational Systems
on the Basis of IBM/360-compatible Computers, in collection [8],
pp. 8-166 (in Russian with English summary).
145. Aladjev V.Z.,
Osipov O.B.
Inculcation Problems of Parallel Processing Technology for Book-keeping //
Proc. 2-nd All-Union Conf. on Book-Keeping Problems.- Baku, 1981, pp. 132-135 (in
Russian with English summary).
146. Aladjev V.Z.,
Blinder B.S., Kuznecov V.V. An Approach to Creating of High-Productivity Processing Systems
on the Basis of Technique of Collective Use Computer Centers // Proc. All-Union
Conference on Trends, Techniques and Problems in Modern Software.- Sevastopol,
1981 (in Russian with English summary)
147. Aladjev V.Z.,
Blinder B.S., Mazurenko V.I. An Approach to Creating of High-Productivity Information Systems
on the Basis of Information Paralleling in Homogeneous Computational Systems //
Proc. All-Union Symp. on High-Productivity Databases and Inform. Systems.-
Kishinew, 1982 (in Russian with English summary)
148. Aladjev V.Z., Boiko
V.P. Information
Paralleling in Homogeneous Computer Systems // Proc. All-Union Conf. of VGPTI.-
Tallinn, 1982, pp. 42-99 (in Russian with English summary)
149. Aladjev V.Z. Service Software for Personal
Computer WANG 2200MVP.- Tallinn: SKB MPCM ESSR, 1986, 140 p.
(in Russian with English summary).
150. Aladjev V.Z., Pebre
T.A. Applied Software
for Personal Computer WANG 2200MVP: Control of the Execution
Discipline // CNTII-Project of the Gosstroja USSR.-
151. Aladjev V.Z. Classification and Survey of
Personal Computers and Their Software.- Tallinn: FIDO Press, 1992,
155 p. (in Russian with English summary).
152. Aladjev V.Z. Software for Personal Computer WANG
2200MVP: Measuring of Liquids and Gases Expense by Method of Standard
Diaphragms // CNTII-Project of Gosstroja USSR.-
153. Aladjev V.Z., Hunt
Ü.J., Shishakov M.L.
Mathematics on Personal Computers. Textbook.- Russian Academy of Noosphere, The
Baltic Branch:
154. Aladjev V.Z., Hunt
Ü.J., Shishakov M.L.
Fundamentals of Computer Informatics. Textbook.- Russian Academy of Noosphere, The
Baltic Branch:
155. Efimova M.O., Hunt
Ü.J. Graphical
Package AutoTouch //
156. Aladjev V.Z., Hunt
Ü.J., Shishakov M.L.
Introduction to Environment of
157. Aladjev V.Z.,
Shishakov M.L., Vaganov V.A., Hunt Ü.J. A Workstation for Mathematicians.- The
158. Aladjev V.Z.,
Bogdevicius M.A.
Employment of Package Maple V
for Solution of Physical and Technical Problems // Proc. Intern. Conf. TRANSBALTICA-99,
April 1999,
159. Aladjev V.Z., Hunt
U.J. A
Workstation for Mathematicians // Proc. Intern. Conf. TRANSBALTICA-99,
April 1999,
160. Aladjev V.Z., Hunt
U.J. A
Workstation for Mathematicians // Proc. Intern. Conf. Improvement of Control
Mechanism, April 1999,
161. Aladjev V.Z., Shishakov M.L. Programming in package Maple V // Intern. Conf. "Computer
Algebra in Fundamental and Applied Researches and Education",
162. Aladjev V.Z., Shishakov M.L. Automated
163. Aladjev V.Z. Interactive Encyclopaedia of
Cellular Automata.- Tallinn: International Academy of Noosphere, 2000,
CD-ROM, pp. 1200 (in English, in preparation)
164. Klimovich I.I. and
et. al. Biomedical
Investigations in
165. Liiv E.H. Infodinamics.- Tallinn:
International Academy of Noosphere, 1998 (in Russian with English summary)
166. Blinder B. and et
al. An Approach to
Unification of Software for Computer Centers of Collective Use, in collection [8],
pp. 107-140 (in Russian with English summary).
167. Hunt Ü.J. Some Methods of Calculation of Carrying
Capacity of the Railways of the Baltic Region // Proc. Intern. Conf. TRANSBALTICA-99,
April 1999, Vilnius, pp. 392-398 (in Russian with English summary).
168. Hunt Ü.J. TCP/IP.
Teollisuusstandardi Unix maailmassa.- Helsinki: Damo OY Press,
1990, 128 p. (in Finnish with extended English summary)
169. Hunt Ü.J. Innova Open - edellakavija. Yritysgrafiikka.-
Helsinki: Damo OY Press, 1991, 58 p. (in Finnish with extended
English summary).
170. Hunt Ü.J. Innova Open - edellakavija.
Yritysgrafiikka.Interface to Harward Graphics.- Helsinki: Damo OY
Press, 1991, 42 p. (in Finnish).
171. Hunt Ü.J. Innova Open. Asynkroniset
pankiyhteydet ja Kermitohjelmiston kasikirja.- Helsinki: Damo OY Press,
1991, 88 p. (in Finnish).
172. Aladjev V.Z., Bogdevicius M.A. Application of the package Maple V for solution of physical and technical
problems //
Internat. Conf. TRANSBALTICA-99, april 1999, VTU,
173. Aladjev V.Z., Hunt
Ü.J. A Workstation
for mathematician // Internat. Conf. TRANSBALTICA-99, april 1999, VTU, Vilnius, pp. 392-395. (in Russian
with extended English summary)
174. Aladjev V.Z., Hunt Ü.J. A Workstation for mathematician // Internat. Conf. "Perfecting of mechanisms of
april 1999, ISZ,
175. Aladjev V.Z., Shishakov M.L. Programming in package Maple V // Second Intern. Conf. "Computer Algebra in Fundamental
and Applied Researches and Education".-
176. Aladjev V.Z., Shishakov M.L. Automated working place of the
mathematician // Second Intern. Conf. "Computer Algebra in Fundamental and Applied
Researches and Education".-
177. Aladjev V.Z., Shishakov M.L., Trohova T.A. Educational computer laboratory of the
engineer //
Proc of the 8-th Byelorussian mathematical conference, vol. 3.? Minsk: BSU, 2000. ? p.
178. Aladjev V.Z., Shishakov M.L., Trohova T.A. Modelling in programme environment of
mathematical package Maple V // Proc. of Internat. Conf. on Mathematical Modelling (̊̌-2000).?
179. Aladjev V.Z.,
Shishakov M.L., Trokhova T.A. Workstation for the solution of systems of differential
equations // Third International Conference ?Differential Equations and
St.-Petersburg, 2000.
180. Aladjev V.Z.,
Shishakov M.L., Trokhova T.A. Computer laboratory for engineering researches // International
Conference ACA-2000.? St.-Petersburg, 2000.
181. Aladjev V.Z., Bogdevicius M.A., Hunt Ü.J. A workstation for mathematicians //
Lithuanian conference "TRANSPORT-2000".-
182. Aladjev V.Z. Computer Algebra // Alpha, no. 1
(april), 2001:- The lecture given in Institute of Modern Knowledge and the Grodno State University, October - November 2000, Grodno, Byelorussia; lecture text is presented on CD-ROM [129].
183. Bogdevicius M.A. Simulation of Dynamic Processes in Hydraulic, Pneumatic
and Mechanical Drivers and Their Elements // Research Report no. 541.-
Vilnius: Technika, 2000.
184. Aladjev V.Z., Bogdevicius M.A.,
Vaganov V.A. Systems
of Computer Algebra: A New Software Toolbox for Maple // The 2004 International Conference on
Software Engineering Research and Practice, SERP'04, 2004, Las Vegas, USA.
C. Other Topics of Research Activity
1-c. Monographs, Books and Collections
185. Aladjev V.Z.,
Veetyusme R.A., Hunt Ü.J. General Theory of Statistics.- Tallinn: TRG &
SALCOMBE Eesti Ltd., 1995, 201 p. (in Russian with English summary).
186. Aladjev V.Z., Hunt
Ü.J., Shishakov M.L.
Course of the General Theory of Statistics // Ed. Acad. A. D. Ursul.- Gomel: BELGUT Press, 1995, 201
187. Hunt Ü.J.,
Shishakov M.L. and et al. Probability Theory and Mathematical Statistics
// Ed. Acad. V.Z.
Aladjev.- Gomel:
TRG, 1997, 180 p.
188. Aladjev V.Z. Interactive Course of General Theory of Statistics.-
Tallinn: The International Academy of Noosphere, The Baltic Branch, 2000, 300
pp. + 2 diskettes for Windows
3.1/95/98/NT, ISBN
189. Aladjev V.Z., Haritonov V.N. General Theory of Statistics.- Palo Alto: Fultus Corporation, 2004,
256 p., ISBN
190. Aladjev V.Z., Haritonov V.N. General Theory of Statistics.- Palo Alto: Fultus Corporation, 2004, Adobe Acrobat eBook, ISBN 1-59682-016-0.
2-c. Papers and Scientific Reports
191. Aladjev V.Z. To Stability of Some Optimal
Differential Systems // Automat. and Comp. Technique.- Moscow: AN
192. Aladjev V.Z. An Algebraic System for Polynomial
Representation of K-Valued Logical Functions // Appl. Mathem. Letters,
no. 3, 1988.
193. Aladjev V.Z. A Solution of the Steinhays`s
Combinatorical Problem // Appl. Mathem. Letters, no. 1, 1988, pp. 11-12.
194. Aladjev V.Z., Orav
T.A. About
Effectivity of Selection in Post-Radiation Populations of Spring Barley //
Proc. AN ESSR. Biology, 21, ? 4, 1973.
195. Aladjev V.Z., Hunt
Ü.J. Information Processing System for
Financial-Credit Agencies of the Estonia: Basics of Concepts and Realization.-
The Estonian Branch of State Bank of the USSR, 128 p. 1984 (in
Russian with English summary).
196. Aladjev V.Z., Hunt
Ü.J., Shishakov M.L.
General Theory of Statistics.- Vasco:
197. Aladjev V.Z., Hunt
Ü.J., Shishakov M.L.
Research Activity of the Tallinn Research Group: Scientific Report for
Period 1995-1998 // Ed. A.D. Ursul.- Tallinn:
TRG, 1998, 80 p. (in Russian with extended English summary).
198. Hunt Ü.J. A Bank Information Processing System.-
Tallinn: Estpromstrojcommerc Bank, 1996, 245 p. (in Estonian with
English summary).
199. Hunt Ü.J.,
Shishakov M.L. and et al. Probability Theory and Mathematical Statistics //
200. Aladjev V.Z.,
Bogdevicius M.A. On the Path to Formation of Noosphere
Movement of the Scientists, in the book [125],
pp. 656-662 (in Russian with English summary).
The above List of our publications is not exhaustive one, but it reflects
principal results and directions of the Tallinn Research Group (TRG)
and International
Academy of Noosphere activities over 38
years. These publications were done in the following countries:
Started in frameworks TRG of research under the mathematical Theory of Homogeneous structures (THS),
received an international admission, will be proceeded and within the framework
of the Branch. Substantially THS-problems represents new interdisciplinary area starting to
play all an increasing role in many model applications, especially in modern
and perspective computer technique, physical and biological sciences. Thus,
HS-conception is largely unique phenomenon - on the one hand, it is the basis
of formal simulation of a lot of processes, phenomena and objects in a rather
broad spectrum of areas, and with other - it has equivalent technical
implementations by the way highly productive parallel CAM-computers, networks
of transputers, systolic structures, cell-like processors etc., that does by
its rather attractive as in theoretical, and applied researches in many areas
of the modern science and engineering.
For this reason THS-problems starts to play a more and more noticeable role in
such strategic the relevant scientific directions as perspective generations of
computer technique, biological and physical sciences, and lot other. Now, in
the Baltic Branch of Academy the intensive activity on
preparation of the Interactive Encyclopaedia of Homogeneous Structures (Cellular Automata) is carried out, which is intended to
systematize all main as of today outcomes obtained on the given roughly
developing section of modern mathematical cybernetics [157].
In connection with researches under the
mathematical theory of homogeneous structures the scientific outcomes of the TRG have received an international admission and formed the
essential part of the fundamentals of the new section of modern cybernetics.
Allowing our results on THS-problems
and their international admission, now in Academy is studied a problem on
conditioning for operation of the Baltic School and base of realization of large international conferences on the
given problems. With the expectation of an outlook the large attention is given
to personnel maintenance of the Baltic Branch. In this schedule the practice of preparation for balloting in
the members of International
Academy of Noosphere (sustainable
development) of
the most perspective scientists of the Baltic countries and
So, already in frameworks of the Baltic Branch of the International Academy of Noosphere headed by academician V. Z. Aladjev international collective of the
scientists and researchers consisting of: Ü. J. Hunt, V. A. Vaganov, R. A.
Veetousme, E. H. Liiv, V. N. Haritonov (Estonia), M. L. Shishakov, T. A. Trohova, I. I.
Klimovich, E. A. Rovba, V. K. Boiko (Byelorussia), M.
A. Bogdevicius (Lithuania), and E. P. Grishin (Latvia), for the period 1995 - 2007 have preformed and have issued, alongside
with a lot of the magazine publications, 37
monographs, books and text-books on the modern computer technologies,
probability theory, mathematical and general statistics, mathematical theory of
Homogeneous Structures (Cellular Automata), biomedical researches, and also total report of scientific and
practical activity of the Baltic Branch of the International Academy of Noosphere for the accountable period. The reviews
of main our publications for the accountable period are shown in the above WWW sites. Our site [91] and its sections are awakely visited by the scientists
and specialists from many countries.
A whole series of the indicated our
works were published by the second issuing or make dispositions for
republishing, the works on the theory of Homogeneous Structures are translated
to English. By results of 11-year's
our activity the Baltic
recognized by the very best in the International Academy of Noosphere. The indicated series of the
publications not only has shut the essential part of the academic problems, but
also has important role in the cause of increase of the status of the Russian Academy of Noosphere at period its transition on the
international level.