Adopted by Constituent Conference; December 27, 1991

Alterations and additions adopted by General Meeting; March 3, 1998

The International Academy of Noosphere
(Sustainable Development)


1.1. International Academy of Noosphere (Sustainable Development) (IANSD), subsequently defined as the Academy, appears to be an independent, self-administrative public-and-scientific association of scientists and experts dealing with the global problems, realising the transition of the civilization to Sustainable Development and creating the Sphere of Mind (the Noosphere).

1.2. The Academy operates in collaboration with international, foreign and Russian scientific associations and organisations. The Academy carries out its activities on the basis of voluntary association and equity of rights of all its members.

1.3. To investigate and resolve the problems of noospherology and Sustainable Development, the Academy in accordance with the legislation establishes institutes, centres, departments and sections, which appear to be its structural subdivisions.

1.4. The Academy performs its statutory functions within the frames of the Constitution of the Russian Federation and in accordance with the Russian legislation, international agreements and the present Statute.

1.5. The Academy carries out its activities on the territory of Russia, Esthonia and other countries, where the structural subdivisions have been established. The Academy is a public organization bearing the international status.

1.6. The Academy assumes the status of an entity right after the state registration. The Academy has its own seal, stamp, blanks and other attributes, which are necessary for its activities. The emblem presents the terrestrial globe and the capital 'N' depicted beside the globe. The symbols of the Academy are to be registered in accordance with the legislation.

1.7. The legal address of the Academy: Smolnaya Street 36, Moscow 125817, Russia.


To implement its objectives and goals the Academy enjoys a right:

H to carry out legal information-and-analytical, scientific-and-technical, production, teaching, managing, economic and other activities, including those with foreign companies, commercial structures, teams and individuals;

H to conclude agreements and other transactions with Russian and foreign organizations, information centers, funds, institutions, societies, enterprises and other entities and physical persons in accordance with the active legislation;

H to establish scientific and technical expert boards and to carry out expertise of projects and deliberations related to the activities of the Academy in accordance with the orders of the state bodies, enterprises, institutions and organizations, Russian and foreign companies, funds, individuals, etc.;

H to establish in accordance with the active legislation and to participate in establishing scientific boards granting scientific degrees for appropriate specialties;

H to organize and maintain computerized database related to investigated issues;

H to found in accordance with legislation colleges, upgrading courses and other educational institutes to train experts in the field of the Noosphere, Sustainable Development and other directions related to the activities of the Academy;

H to carry out publishing activities in accordance with the active legislation, to establish mass media institutes;

H to organize conferences and exhibitions, to hold symposiums and to participate in home and foreign events related to the activities of the Academy;

H to open accounts (including currency ones) in banks and other credit institutions; to obtain credits in specialized and commercial banks;

H to implement in accordance with the legislation copyright and patent rights obtained or transferred according to the statutory order;

H to organize official business trips to abroad, as well as accept foreign partners and experts;

H to carry out legal business activities and use the profits to reach the goals envisaged in the present Statute and to realize the programs of the Academy;

H to conclude treaties and agreements, as well as to carry out other legal transactions with Russian and foreign entities and physical persons;

H to establish economic organizations bearing the status of an entity.

2.2. The Academy is to abide by the Regulations envisaged in clause 29 of the Federal Law "On Public Associations".


3.1. The objective of the Academy is to organize and coordinate researches in the field of Sustainable Development, creating the Noosphere and to use the results of the researches in all fields of human activities, including science, economy, ecology, industry, social sector, and that in view, to combine the efforts of scientists, experts, businessmen and statesmen from different countries.

3.2. The major goals of the Academy include:

H attracting attention of scientists, cultural workers, businessmen, politicians and the public at large to the Noosphere-oriented values which are common to all humanity, as well as to other global problems, moral development of a human being, considering the Man not a tool, but the creator of the future;

H promoting the solution to the problems of survival and Sustainable Development, the humanistic trend of the latter; combined and free-will efforts aimed at creating the Noosphere as a future sphere of co-existence and optimal development for all the peoples in the world in conditions of preserving the biosphere;

H cooperation between public, natural, technical and other sciences in forming the conception of Sustainable Development and the theory of creating the Noosphere; elaborating a complete synergetic view of the world, noospherical world outlook and, consequently, working out solution to the problem of the transition of Russia and the civilization at large to Sustainable Development;

H establishing links between both Russian and foreign scientific and public movements and organizations sharing the idea of noospherical-humanistic renovation of the society, survival of humanity and creating the humanistic-and-ecologically oriented sphere, the Sphere of Noospherical Mind;

H elaborating research programs, normative forecasts and alternative future development plots to define the noospherical prospects in the course of transition of the civilization to Sustainable Development and managing the noosphere-genesis supported by expert estimations, computer modeling and other up-to-date technologies;

H investigating into social-and-humanitarian problems of informatization of the modern society and possibilities to establish the information society (the Info-Noosphere), using the information science to positively resolve the problem of intellectual and humanistic renovation and absolutely secure development of the society;

H participation in settling the social, economic and ecological tasks; and, first of all, elaborating the conception of getting over the ecological crises, establishing the ecological society (the Eco-Noosphere) on the Earth, preserving the variety of the biosphere, supporting Sustainable and ecologically safe development;

H subsequent development of the conceptions of anthropocosmism and humanistic orientation of space explorations, formation of the cosmic civilization (the Cosmo-Noosphere) and its geo-cosmic and cosmo-ecological safety; studying the possibilities of contacting extraterrestrial forms of life in the Universe, defining the laws of development of extraterrestrial civilizations and forming the Astro-Noosphere;

H elaborating and putting into practice the idea of the advanced economic, noospherical-and-ecological education aimed at values of the Noosphere and wide spread of the idea of the Sustainable Development and its final goal - the Sphere of Mind; and also the popularization of "the brand new" systematic-and-evolutional Noosphere-oriented kind of thinking;

H investigating into correlation of security and Sustainable Development, forming the safe noospherical kind of a personality, establishing the security system in the course of the transition to the sphere of Mind;

H defining the principles of compatibility of market economy (commercial activities) with secure Sustainable Development; working out certain economic and administrative measures to influence the transition to Sustainable Development; evaluating prospects of trade development in the country and within the frames of the World Society, taking account of ecological and noospherical demands.


4.1. The Academy consists of individual members.

4.2. Russian and foreign citizens, scientists and experts, who make considerable contribution to develop the science of Sustainable Development and the Noosphere, enjoy a right to be members of the Academy.

4.3. The right of accepting members is excersized by the Presidium and approved by the Meeting of Departments.

4.4. Conditions and procedures of accepting members and of awarding honorary titles are stipulated in the Regulations approved by the Presidium and the Academy.

4.5. The members of the Academy a right:

H to participate in events, arranged by the Academy;

H to participate in establishing of the bodies of the Academy and to be elected into them;

H to address all the bodies of the Academy with proposals on issues, related to the activities of the Academy;

H to participate in the work of elective bodies of the Academy enjoing a right of deliberative vote;

H to appeal for assistance of the Academy in defending their legal interests;

H to be awarded with a diploma or an honorary certificate of the Academy, as well as medals and signs;

H to be proposed for international, state and other premiums.

4.6. Members of the Academy are obliged:

H to take an active part in solutions to the problems related to the role of the Noosphere in the World Community; to implement the Statute of the Academy, decisions of the General Meeting and the Presidium of the Academy; to pay membership fees in due time; to popularize the ideas of the Academy; to participate in the General Meeting of institutes, centers, departments and sections;

H to make annual reports of departments and sections about their scientific, organizational, propaganda and teaching activities.

4.7. The membership in the Academy is considered to be terminated in case of:

H voluntary leaving with notification to the Presidium;

H expulsion for misbehavior defaming the membership in the Academy.


5.1. The General Meeting of the members of the Academy and the Presidium of the Academy are said to be the administrative bodies of the Academy.

5.2. The General Meeting is the highest administrative body. The General Meeting should be summoned not less that once a year. If necessary, a special General Meeting or a representative conference may be summoned on the initiative of the Presidium of the Academy or the President of the Academy. The meeting is deemed valid if over a half of the members of the Academy are present.

5.3. The General Meeting:

H works out and approve short-term and long-term trends and plans (strategy and tactics) of the activities of the Academy;

H approves the Statute of the Academy, the time-limit of the General Meeting, other major documents, makes necessary amendments and corrections;

H elects the Presidium of the Academy and hears reports of its activities;

H elects the President and Vice-Presidents for a term of five years;

H elects the Competitive Commission;

H elects the Auditing Commission for a term of five years;

H institutes named premiums and grants, honorary titles of the Academy;

H makes decisions to terminate the activities of the Academy.

The decision of the General Meeting is deemed valid, provided that over a half of the members, present, have voted for it.

5.4. The Presidium of the Academy headed by the President of the Academy is the highest permanent administrative body of the Academy during the intervals between the General Meetings. The Presidium of the Academy is elected by the General Meeting by means of voting by show hands. The Presidium consists of: the President, the Vice-Presidents, the Senior Scientific Secretary of the Academy and the members of the Presidium. The number of members is decided by the General Meeting of the Academy.

5.5. The Presidium of the Academy:

H on behalf of the Academy enjoys the rights of the entity and assumes the responsibilities of the Academy;

H supervises activities of the Academy, coordinates the work of its bodies, makes decision to summon regular and special General Meetings, makes proposals related to the agenda and voting procedure;

H organizes the work of the Academy in the intervals between the General Meetings;

H makes decisions to establish institutes, centers, sections of the Academy, as well as its subsidiaries, departments and representative offices;

H approves the Regulations concerning subsidiaries and representative offices;

H approves terms of reference for the President, the Vice-President and the members of the Presidium;

H approves the Regulations of the administrative stuff of the Academy;

H determines the volume and the procedure of paying membership fees;

H carries out other authorities related to the current management of the Academy;

H approves the Symbol of the Academy;

H makes decisions concerning acceptance and expulsion of members of the Academy.

The decision of the Presidium is deemed valid, provided that over a half of the members of the Presidium have voted for it. The settings of the Presidium are deemed valid, provided that over a half of the members of the Presidium are present.

5.6. The President of the Academy:

H coordinates scientific and organizational activities of the Academy and the Presidium;

H opens the general Meeting or delegates this authority to the First Vice-President;

H manages, coordinates and organizes the activities of the Presidium, chairs at the meetings;

H makes proposals to increase and renew the membership of the Presidium, to distribute and redistribute responsibilities among its members;

H represents the Academy while contacting Russian and foreign institutions and organizations, their associations, other physical persons and entities;

H implements other activities necessary to govern effectively the Presidium of the Academy;

H controls the activities of the structural subdivisions of the Academy;

H approves the structure and the stuff of the Academy; allocates the means of the Academy, employ and dismisses employes; concludes contracts and agreements related to substitutions of vacancies, forming temporary research teams; performs other functions envisaged in contracts; issues orders and instructions;

H concludes treaties, agreements and contracts on behalf of the Academy;

H settles the tasks related to realizing scientific programs;

H establishes Councils, commissions, etc. aimed at selecting and realizing certain scientific programs; as well as establishing specialized organizations to determine and the main directions of the activities of the Academy and its subdivisions;

H in a case when the President is not available, his duties are assumed by the First Vice-President.

5.7. The Auditing Commission:

H audits fmancial-and-economic activities of the Academy; the audition should be made not less than once a year.

The Auditing Commission is accountable to the General Meeting and presents to its approving the results of the audits.

5.8. The Senior Scientific Secretary of the Academy:

H carries out the necessary scientific and organizational activities to work out plans and analysis of the activities of the Academy, its subdivisions and the Presidium;

H organizes collection and consideration of the reports and information materials of the work of the Academy's structural subdivisions, departments and sections; organizes dispatch of the information about the Presidium's work;

H carries out cooperation with Russian and foreign scientific and other organizations according to the decision of the Presidium and Regulations of the Presidium of the Academy;

H prepares provisional agenda items and arranges the work of the regular and special General Meetings and conferences of the Academy;

H manages the activities of the Secretariat administrative stuff of the Presidium.


6.1. The Academy bears the economical and financial status of a profitless organization.

6.2. The main financial sources of the Academy are:

H possible budget assignations for competitive projects, scientific and research programs, including state orders and special researches;

H entrance and membership fees paid by the members of the Academy;

H profits from business, scientific, research, educational and publishing activities; profits gained from agreements with departments, organizations and state bodies, including legal bilateral and multilateral contracts with foreign entities and physical persons;

H voluntary fees and donations from home and foreign organizations and private persons;

H other legal sources.

6.3. The academy enjoys an exclusive right to deal with its profits and assets by its own consideration.

6.4. The Academy enjoys a right to establish the Fund of Social Development and carry out activities aimed providing social support to the members and administrative stuff of the Academy.

6.5. The administrative stuff and the technical workers of the Academy get their salaries and wages in case that the Academy obtain necessary means. The list of positions and salaries for those working in administrative stuff of the Academy and its technical workers is to be approved by the Presidium of the Academy. The application of the Labor Law of the Russian Federation extends to the employees and workers of the Academy.


7.1. The structural subdivisions of the Academy are: departments, subsidiaries and representative offices. The departments carry out their activities in accordance with both their own statutes which do not contradict the Statute of the Academy, and the Statute of the Academy.

7.2. The highest administrative body of the departments acting according to the Statute of the Academy is the Meeting which is summoned by the Chairman of the Departments not less than once a year. The Meeting is deemed valid, provided that over a half of its members are present. Decisions are made by a majority of votes.

7.3. The Meeting of the Department:

H determines main trends of activities of the Department;

H elects the Chairman for a term of 5 years; hears the Chairman's reports;

H settle other tasks related to the activities of the Department.

The Chairman supervises the work of the Department during the intervals between the Meetings.

7.4. Subsidiaries and representative offices do not bear the status of entities and carry out their activities according to the Regulations approved by the Presidium of the Academy. Subsidiaries and representative offices are provided with the property by the Academy. The property is entered both into the balance of the Academy, and into a separate balance.


8.1. The activities of the Academy may be terminated in accordance with the decision of the General Meeting of the Academy. The decision is deemed valid, if adopted by over a half of the Academy's members present at the General Meeting. When the Academy is terminated, its property remained after payments to the state budget, banks and other creditors is to be allotted to implement goals envisaged in the present Statute.

8.2. The activities of the Academy may be terminated for other legal reasons and by other legal procedures.

8.3. Termination and reorganization of the Academy is to be carried out in accordance with the Regulations envisaged in the Civil Law.

8.4. After the termination documents of the Academy containing information of the personnel of the Academy are to be officially transferred to the State Archives.


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