Shimadzu Sex, Lies and Cover-Ups

....the videotape is coming!

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We've told you about sexual harassment in the Shimadzu workplace. Then we told you about Shimadzu sales reps who have the ladies' bug. More recently, we've harkened that Shimadzu is a company that specializes in lies and denials. Now they are actively engaged in a "behind the scenes" lowdown campaign to conceal the truth. How do we know.... what we will divulge is that their corporate servers having been keeping tabs on the presence of our homepage on the world wide web morning, noon and night for the past months. Our homepage has experienced unrelenting hits from the following identifiers:,,,,, for starters (and that doesn't include continuing visits from the corporate server in Japan). As it turns out, Shimadzu Scientific Instruments (USA) owns the internet registry numbers from to inclusive.

With regards to Shimadzu's never-ending stream of lies, we'll add yet another to the growing corporate pile of treachery and deceit. Shimadzu proclaimed in the sci.chem and sci.chem.analytical newsgroups in mid January of 1999 that they "defend everyone's right to free speech." Well, this is an organization that talks out both sides of it's mouth. They say one thing publicly and do the exact opposite privately. Shimadzu (and their malcontent cohorts) have been crying non-stop to Tripod and Geocities because we provided employee contact information on our website despite the issuance of a legal precedent from a federal court which allowed us to do just that.

All of this whining has resulted in the momentary removal of our homepage from a few servers.... a minor setback since we planned for Shimadzu's escapades some time ago. In each case, we were encouraged to re-post in accordance with the respective server's terms of service. In an effort to deal another humiliating blow to the lowlifes at Shimadzu, we have established numerous phantom homepages which remain silently archived (and lurking) on an as needed basis. We have identified more than 80 hosting services to which our homepage is being appended. We would like to add some foreign hosts (outside the US) to our growing list.... please email us the relevant URLs. As you can see, the Shimadzu Consumer Alerts homepage will not be purged from the world wide web anytime soon. Our homepage averages 99% up-time despite Shimadzu's underhanded techniques! Someone please tell Shimadzu this so that they can stop wasting their time, monies and efforts! One of our many permanent URLs including will always divert you to an appropriate host embellishing the ugly truth about Shimadzu.

Shimadzu (feeling their oats) have now taken this battle to another level with the claim that our homepage is defamatory. Providing no specifics, this is a blatant attempt (once again) by Shimadzu to censure free speech on the internet and halt the dissemination of the truth about the dark side of Shimadzu! Does this sound like their public proclamation to "defend everyone's right to free speech?" Can you say liars? How about cover-up? We can tell you that we're not going to roll over and play dead. Shimadzu may win a battle here and there.... but they are losing the war! For every action, there will be an equal but opposite reaction. To those who are annoyed with our efforts to level the playing field.... oh well! We'll only consider stopping when Shimadzu stops their $hit first (all of it). Dear Shimadzu, we plan on being beach sand up your ass(es) for a long time to come.... get use to it!

n.b. Shimadzu is not the guardian of free speech. We told you in 1998 about Shimadzu's blatant efforts to silence viewpoints expressed at the domain. They didn't think twice about suing the editor at Chromtalk.... this is repugnant vendor conduct! Now you know why we will remain anonymous. What is right about a company that uses it's deep financial pockets to go after someone or somebodies who has unpopular but true things to say about Shimadzu? PISS ON THEM!

n.b. Shimadzu has alleged that our postings do not "represent an accurate portrayal" of their company yet they refuse to provide us with any specifics. We have solicited their feedback (and we know for a fact that they have gotten the message) but they refuse to respond. Instead, Shimadzu has been whining to several ISPs with the hopes that our homepage will be cancelled. Hell, Shimadzu has probably threatened even more lawsuits unless they get their way.... sounds real professional!

n.b. Gary Chapman of Mandel Scientific (Canada) admitted to us on 2 February 1999 that we have had "what could be deemed as one interpretation of the truth." Well, we didn't know that there was more than one interpretation of the truth (since when are truthful facts considered fallacious) but this sounds like a major concession from a Shimadzu distributor at the very least don't you think? Yes Mr. Chapman, even you can stake a claim to at least 10,000 Japanese yen if you are the first contributor who provides incontrovertible evidence which proves definitively that we have concocted any of the facts (opinions exempted) depicted on our homepage. Are you up to the challenge?

n.b. If Shimadzu is engaged in such a robust campaign to silence the dissemination of information concerning inferior product offerings/flaws (and they are), do you really think that Shimadzu customers can rely upon Shimadzu to give them the whole story about the limitations of their analytical products? Do you think that Shimadzu will always tell you the truth and give you straight answers to your important questions in a responsive and coherent fashion.... do you really? DON'T be naive! DON'T get taken!

BTW: Is lying and denying inherited on the X or Y chromosome in the Shimadzu family?

Shimadzu delivers lies, denials and cover-ups.... FREE!

For more information about Shimadzu, call 1-800-LIARS

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This page was last updated.gif (379 bytes) 12/31/00

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