I have received a lot of questions about my country during the periond when this website exists. So there are some basic facts about the Czech Republic and about its currency.
Some basic facts about the Czech Republic:
The Czech Republic is a landlocked state situated approximately at the center of the Western half of the European continent. It's a member State of the European Union. The Czech Republic neighbours with Austria, Germany, Poland and Slovakia.
Area: 78,864 (sq km) Population: 10.3 million Languages: Czech (over 95%), Slovak, Polish, Romany Ethnic Groups: Czech (94%), Slovak (3%), Romany, Polish, German, Hungarian Religion: Roman Catholic or Atheist Capital: Prague (Praha, 1.3 million inhabitants) Membership in International Organizations: UN, NATO, EU, WTO, FAO, CEFTA, OSCE, etc. Czech Currency:
1 koruna = 100 haleru (1 Crown =100 Hellers)
Short form in Czech: Kc
Short form in English: CZK
Exchange rates (May 2008):
1 EUR = 25.10 CZK; 1 USD = 16.10 CZK; 1 GBP = 31.44 CZK
(For current exchange rate you can see also Universal Currency Converter below.)
Czech coins in real circulation:
50 haleru
1, 2, 5, 10, 20, (50) korun
Czech banknotes in real circulation:
(20), 50, 100, 500, 1000, 2000, 5000 korun
Note: Bi-metallic 50 korun coin was struck for circulation in 1993 but in late 90's was practicaly
replaced by the 50 korun bill. There is a big reserve of the 50 Kc coins in safes of the Czech
National Bank and now its' easier to find this coin in real circulation, especially in
big supermarkets. 20 Kc note is now retairing from the circulation. Coins of 10 & 20 haleru were withdrew
from the circulation since 31st October 2003. 50 haleru coin is going to be withdrew on
30th December 2008.
Other legal tender coins:
Czech commemorative silver coins (200 Kc pieces) and Czech Millennium 10 and 20 crowns.
Czech golden coins named as crowns (1000; 2000; 2500; 5000; 10,000 Kc pieces).
Bi-metallic (gold&silver) 2000 Kc coin commemorate year 2000.
If you are interested in more facts about the Czech Republic, try
this link to the offical site of the Czech Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
If you want to check actual rate of Czech Koruna (or other currenices) try following Converter: