I²C-Routines for the 8051µC and compatibles
These routines are tested with a I/O-chip(PCF 8574) but should work with
every chip which uses the I²C protocol.
The routines are tested with a 8032@12MHz (NOP = 1µs, used for
delay!) On faster Hardware you have to watch the I²C-Specs.
The software was written for the Keil-Software(Assembler,Linker)
for the
Known bugs:
They are not complete because of a bug at the resend of a byte after a
NACK from the slave was received (no STOP and START-Signal is generated
before the byte is sent again) but this will be corrected in the next release.
No speed opmtimization
The next releases will contain some new features and error corrections:
The NACK problem will be corrected
Performance optimization
A routine for simpler handling of the I²C-Access (only the start-adress
of the data and the length of the array are required)
A Slave-Mode will be included (switch between Slave/Master-Mode; Slave
Mode: define a buffer for the I²C-Bus for read/write-access in the
memory of the 8051)
I²C-Routines V0.9 (tested):
I²C-Routines V1.0 (tested):
The NACK-bug was solved.
I²C-Routines V1.1 (not tested):
Performance optimized