When you try to describe what roleplaying is to 'normals' they usually think you're wierd or some kind of satanist. I definately tend towards the former, the lure of the ungodly not particularly appealing to me. Mind you one of my friends has this dangerous looking satanic goatee that really makes him look rather sinister...

RolemasterStuff for ICE's classic RPG.
MagicThe dangerously addictive card game.
PaganMy IRC chat character.
TaurandirMy other IRC chat character.
WaylanderMy other other IRC chat character.
Saffron D'ArdisAnother IRC chat character? Blimey!
LinnlaineDo I have enough IRC characters?
Rydell AmosProbably.
Caldis IlfirnasThen again...
CardsThe rather outdated MtG Glenshadows Cardset.
CharactersA list of my favourite characters I've ever played!
GamesA list of all the RPG's I've ever played or tried.
Nuclear WinterThe Realistic After-The-Holocaust Game!
QuotesSome more memorable quotes from games I've played in.

Mail me on Rob@sceptic.demon.co.uk if you like...

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