Functional Test Unit

This proved to be an interesting project, as i had to cater for several types of device, with varying output voltages and input voltages. One type of device i had to 'talk' to using RS 232 driven optical transmitters.
The main test unit drives led's at a rate of about 3Hz, but when they are 'ON', they actually modulate at 8kHz. This was done by implementing two 555 timers, although hindsight tells me to use a 556 to reduce dicrete component levels.
The device which is being tested, picks up these signals, de modulates them and drives a status led, which tells the operator that the device is working correctly.
The communications are handle by a LT1080CN chip, which converts RS 232 signals, generated by a test harness program, to TTl levels. These TTl signals drive communication led's which enable the software to test if the device will receive and transmit satisfactorily.

Ahhhh...... isn't it pretty.....
My Functional Test Unit

Isn't She Lovely?.....

Sooooo lovely i put two pictures of her here....
My Functional Test Unit 2
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