Below are a couple of screen shots of an application i have just developed. It is used to edit a test sequence. the test sequence structure consists of a header, for identification purposes and a main 'body' which identifies the test parameters. The appliction allows the user to develop a new test sequence or edit an existing sequene. It was an interesting project as it interfaces with a database using the Jet database engine as well as interfacing to a text file. The text file interface proved most challenging as after editing an existing sequence, the old sequence had to be removed while the new one was appended. I had never encountered a project of this type - but i have completed it quite satisfactorily and within a short timescale.
My current project (no screen shots available yet), is based along the same lines, where information in a text file is manipulated. This project differs from the above, in that the file is formated as a Windows .Ini file, i can therefore use API function calls such as GetPrivateProfileString (i will eventually integrating the software on a 16-bit platform), and GetPrivateProfileSection. This project is proving to be more exciting than the last one, as i am getting to grips with planning a event driven program. Screen shots will follow on completion, however, i dont expect it to be too pretty, as it is to be a functional peice of software for shop floor personnel.