EMM386's Nerdiness Nexus

I think you'll agree with me that ignornace is one of the major problems of the world. In general, people fear and even hate what they do not understand. Why? Simply because they're ignorant. The only way to fight this ignorance is through education. Certainly, education cannot reach everyong, but there are some people who are too comfortable in their igorance to want to change anyway.

Where is this all going, you ask? Give me a minute; I'm working on it. :-) Anyway, one topic that the vast majority of people are ignorant about is that of nerds. No, that isn't a typo. You may think yourself quite knowledgable on nerddom, but if so, you're probably one of the most ignorant. Even the internet, with its wide range of information on anything and everything, has few pages with reference to nerds (check and see sometime).

Well, in one of the first efforts ever to alleviate this ignorance, I have created The Nerdiness Manifesto. This manifesto is intended to serve as a general reference to all of nerdhood. Whether you're a nerd who enjoys this type of literature, or a non-nerd who wishes to learn more about them, the information you seek can be found below. Enjoy, and please note that The Nerdiness Manifesto is a work in progress, and addendums will be added over time. If you have any suggestions or feedback on the manifesto, please contact me at krull@mailandnews.com. Thank you.

The Nerdiness Manifesto
Addendum #1: The Other Classes
Addendum #2: Geeks, Dorks, and Other Imposters (forthcoming)

Future additions to the Nerdiness Nexus will likely include addendums on the transition to classes and comparisons between the genders of the classes, as well as a glossary of nerd-related terms. I am also looking into producing a historical Nerds Through the Ages along with a look at nerd aging in The Maturing Nerd.

Special Thanks

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There are still over unbelievers! Quick, to the Nerd Cave!