Chris' Leisure Page

Since school teachers don't force me anymore to kick footballs, do boxing, run 3000 m in 10 minutes or do other nasty things I really enjoy all kinds of sports, like:

in Usedom and Rügen. What, you've never heard of these nice places? Click here.
Sounds funny? -- It certainly is a lot of fun!
from Kushigatayama on Ooshima and near the five lakes of Fujisan (Japan)
SAILING with the sailing ship "Fridtjoff Nansen" (length 52m, 200 square metres of sails) on the Baltic Sea to Kiel, Bornholm and Copenhagen.

CANOEING in the Spreewald near Cottbus (Germany)

WHITEWATER RAFTING on the American River and Upper Cache River (California)

in Sterzing (Italy), Nagano and Yamagata (Japan), Lake Tahoe (California/Nevada)

CYCLING everywhere! For instance along the river Rhein (Germany) and around Izu (Japan) with so nice hot springs.

HIKING in the Saxon Switzerland (Germany) or in Pinnacles National Park (California)

I also like travelling quite a bit. Here is a collection of some of my favourite places.

JAPAN where the past greets the future.

West and Middle West of the UNITED STATES the land of the free ;-)

ASIA Unfortunately this journey was very short. But at least I got some nice (and some other) impressions of the strict Singapure, of the beautiful Tioman and other Malaysian places. I also "enjoyed" the rainy season in Hong Kong when it was still British. From there I took a boat up the Pearl river and spent two very interesting days in Guangzhou.

Italy The beauty of the domes in Florence, Siena and Milano and the leaning tower of Pisa.

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