CPU, may be useful for TUT students

Hello there! Good to see you! If you are looking for some tools that can help you 'assemble'(making machine codes from ASSEMBLY codes) or 'disassemble' (making ASSEMBLY codes from machine codes) for the "Project Experiment"(or "Project Jikken", whatever you call it), then you are at the right place. Here you will find:
    assemble.pl      coverts ASSEMBLY codes to machine 
    disaasemble.c    do the reverse job of the above 

To untar and test the programs:

    % cat cputools.tar.gz | gunzip | tar xfv -
    % make
    % ./disassemble
    % ./assemble.pl < filename

Wish you good luck with your "Project Experiment!"
Any comments? Please feel free to pass:

# Don't have to read below
Why I wrote this? I was bored coverting all those assembly codes to machine codes or vice-versa in 'bare hands' --- most probably you feel the same! Feel free to 'hack', 'kack', 'back', 'grep' this program as you find appropriate. Most probably, you will find few other resources on the above home-page if 'geocities' keeps giving the service........bye!

Go get the cputools.tar.gz

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