About myself

Hello there! I'm not that good at introducing myself to anyone. So, I won't try it here(so, why did I write this page? not sure!), instead I'll quote someone's poetry over here(may be this will give you a vague idea of myself):
To some people, a friend
is practically anyone they know.
To me, friendship means
a much closer relationship,
one in which you take the time
to really understand each other.
A friend is someone you trust enough
to share a part of yourself
the rest of the world may never see.
That kind of friendship
doesn't come along everyday...
but that's the way it should be.

| Home | About myself | My resume | My interest | My links | FCC, memorable days | Chakma, a micro nation | Rangamati, My home town | Chittagong Hill Tracts, few facts | CPU, may be helpful for TUT stu | COMPILER, may be helpful for TUT stu

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