Strohmayergasse 10a
1060 Wien
Reduced price for students and senior citizens: 30.- öS
GROUP TOURS at least 12 persons upon appointment
Tel. +43/1/58830-293
Truth and Legend
In the very beginning stands the most famous
representative of his race: Dracula. This mysterious
count, stylized into a vampire by the rampant
imaginations of the 19th century, actually had a very
real ancestor: a certain Count Vlad, also known as Tzepes
"the stakedriver", ruled in Transylvania in the
15th century. His regime was bloody and brutal, and
during his lifetime horrible legends arose. The
differences between truth and legend, along with those
between kitsch and popularization, are still very unclear
in regards to Dracula.
The Vienna Vampire Museum is the first of its kind
anywhere. Countless objects and documents have been
brought together here with the aim of illuminating the
myth of 'the bloodthirsty undead'. Six installations
offer a fascinating look into the ancient legends of the
vampires, as well as their appearances in both high art
and popular culture.
Wien Raimund Theater
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