Fantasy7 was the best selling game in America, thats for sure! It's was
a really touching moment when it first came out. Everyone had to buy it
even me! But the only stupid thing about it was IT ACTUALLY CAME OUT FIRST
ON PLAYSTATION!!!! HOW COULD THEY! The graphics on playstation was SHIT!
Square should of put ff7 on computer first! Or on n64. On playstation it
was fully pixalated! it's true. I compared the ff7 on playstation and the
ff7 on computer, what do find out......PLAYSTATION SHITY GRAPHICS!!!!!
When I used the patch for ff7 on computer it doesn't even have one little
pixule!!!! And playstation full of pixules!!!! Well enough arguing
about the pixules. I tell ya man, if i were you i would buy the game right
now. But if ff8 came out.... of course you'll buy ff8. Oh yeah turn on
your speakers for wounderful music.
Cloud attacking Midgar
I do have the rest of the goody ppl but they don't quit match the background. I'm so sorry. But you can check the great midi's from ff7.