It is a name among approximately 134 given to the phenomena commonly called out of the body experience (OBE). It is not a lysergic fashion created by the hippies during the 60's, on the contrary, since the beginning of the humanity this phenomena has been registered in all cultures and civilizations. From the beginning there are tales of wise men - there were no difference between science and religion - whose spirits left the bodies and communicated with the gods. The ancient greeks used to seek self illumination through secret ceremonies at the Eleusis temple where they worshiped during many days in essence trying to achieve an out of the body experience. The original techniques used during these rituals are now lost. The laboratory experimentation begins with the searcher Charles Theodore Tart (1937 - ?) (;, in 1966, in the United States of America, when for the first time he tried to withdraw the phenomena of OBE from the ambit of individual experiments to the scientific environment of a laboratory using as subject a young lady until now only known as Miss Z. In our understanding the scope of lucidly producing an OBE, using the power of will, must be self knowledg through experiences that can put you aware of your past existences as a way to understand your here and now in all dimentions and then, in a second step, using conventional science methods as Dr. Charles Tart proposes, we must produce scientific papers and articles in order to definitely create a scientific background. |