Here are some Simple TIPS for WIN95 users
- Fastest Way to See Your Hard Drive: Click on the Start button, then Run. Enter a backslash "\" and press enter.
- Using Long Filenames in DOS : To use long file names in a MS DOS box, simply enclose the long file name within quotes! For example, cd "program files"
- Using .BMP files as Icons: You can rename any .BMP file to .ICO, and then use it as an icon! Windows 95 resizes it to icon size, and changes it to 16 colors, but otherwise it works just fine.
- Opening Folders Nicely: If you want to open a sub-folder and have the parent folder automatically close, hold the ctrl key down as you double-click to open the new folder.
- Escaping from a hang: If you get hung up in win95 and the usual ctrl-alt-delete does not respond, press ctrl-escape. This may bring up the START menu from which you can shut down the system.
- Right-Clicking in Save File dialog boxes: Try it! If you are saving a file, and right-click in the dialog box, you can change your view, arrange the icons, or create new folders prior to saving the file. This is great if you suddenly decide while saving that you want to save the file in a folder that doesn't currently exist.
- Expanding all Subfolders in Explorer: To quickly expand the Explorer tree
view to show all subfolders for a highlighted drive or folder, simply press the asterisk (*) key on the numeric keypad.
- Quickly Closing Windows under My Computer: If you've opened many windows under My Computer (control panel, and windows under that), you can quickly close them all by holding the Shift key while clicking the close window box.
- Quickly Seeing Properties: To quickly access the Properties information for any object, hold the ALT key while double-clicking it.
- MKCOMPAT Program: In the /windows/system directory is a program called MKCOMPAT.EXE. This program lets you change settings to try to make a poorly-behaved Win 3.1 program compatible with Windows 95.
- Restarting Windows 95 without a Warm Boot: Select Shut down, and click the Restart Computer option. Then, while holding down the Shift key, click YES. Windows 95 will now restart without executing a complete warm boot.
- Opening an associated file with a different program: Hold the SHIFT key while right-clicking on the file in Explorer. The Open With can now be selected, and you can choose a different application to open the file with.
- Avoiding Windows 95 Logo at startup: Either press ESCape during bootup, or edit MSDOS.SYS and add the line LOGO=0 to the Options section. Please do not delete anything in this file or it may create some real HAVOC
- What .DLL's are being used in a .EXE?: Right-click on the application's name, and select Quick View.
- Real Delete instead of Recycle Bin: To immediately delete a file rather than send it to the Recycle Bin, hold down the Shift key when you delete it.
- AutoPlay Disable: To disable Autoplay from automatically playing a music cd, hold the SHIFT key for a few seconds after you close the CD-ROM drive door.
- Soundcard Volume: Single click on the speaker icon in the tray to bring up the master volume control. Double-click that icon to bring up the full mixer controls.
- Desktop Properties: A shortcut is to right-click anywhere on the desktop, then select properties.Quick way to change screen savers too!
- Clock/Calendar: Double-click the time in the taskbar tray to see a calendar, and to change the system date/time.
More WIN95 Tips Please!