babble-digest Wednesday, January 7 1998 Volume 01 : Number 116

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Re: Netscape thumbs it's nose at Web developers


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Date: Wed, 7 Jan 98 14:33:55 +0000
From: Joe Gillespie <>
Subject: Re: Netscape thumbs it's nose at Web developers

>Personally, I wish both companies would stop this game of browser
>one-upmanship, temporarily forget about trying to develop new gizmos (like
>push technology), and go back and FIX the older--yet mainstream--browsers
>like MSIE3 and NN3. For example, why can't Microsoft release a
>self-installing patch (like they did with the 3.02 security upgrade) that
>adds true JavaScript 1.1 compatibility to MSIE3 (so mouseovers will work)?
> And why can't Netscape release a self-installing patch that adds
>"LEFTMARGIN" and "RIGHTMARGIN" support to NN3 so we don't have to use
>stupid frame tricks to get a zero-offset Web page?
>OK, so maybe now I'm dreaming! But thank you all for letting me get this
>off my chest.
>(Note: Since neither Netscape or Microsoft seem to have a feedback e-mail
>address for me to CC this message to, I copied it into both companies
>feedback forms on their respective Web sites.)


I totally understand your frustration and agree that web developers are
getting the short end of the stick, especially from Netscape.

Netscape are now in finacial trouble and are considering making Navigator
free - like MsIE -to stop their market share decline from , I hate to say
it, a much superior product.

So, how much effort will go int a freeware version of Netscape? - even
less I suspect.

When Tomas Caspers and myself brought the 8-bit rendering bug in NS 4.x
(Mac) to peoples attention last year, we put up a petition
<> which was signed and
commented by hundreds of people, and they mentioned lots of other bugs
too. Netscape still haven't admitted the problem exists or done anything
to rectify it although the log shows numerous visits from people there.

What we propose to do, is start a web site where web developers and
designers can complain about browsers and their bugs and
incompatibilities and hopefully shame the browser producers into giving
us what we want.

I have registered the domain and put a
jokey placeholder on it. If you, or anybody else, would like to join 'the
band' and submit some relevant material, please write to me privately.

It's about time that somebody caused a fuss - and the bigger the better!




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End of babble-digest V1 #116

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