A simple alarm clock design is used to demonstrate top-down design using the
VHDLMG. Select the top item in the design hierarchy explorer, add a new module named "alarmclock".
Follow the block diagram below to build the top level alarm clock design. The clock module is now a
black box that counts the time. It has 4-digit outputs (2 for minute and 2 for hour) in both 7-segment
display format and BCD format. The "EN" signal triggers the clock to count every minute. A library
module, comparator, is used in this example. Insert it from Arithmetic category in the module library.
The module compares BCD outputs from clock with the input alarm preset value, PRESETALARM. If they are
equal, ALARM signal becomes high.
Fill in the interface port list of the alarmclock module and organize the sequence as in the list
Set the parameters of the Comparator as in figure below:
Set the interface ports of the clock module as below:
Analyze the alarmclock module and then open its VHDL file. Add the following code to the file.
architecture alarmclock_arch of alarmclock is signal HEXm1,HEXm10,HEXh1,HEXh10 : UNSIGNED(3 downto 0); signal BCDhhmm : UNSIGNED(15 downto 0); .... .... begin U_clock: clock port map (START, EN, LEDm1, LEDm10, LEDh1, LEDh10, HEXm1, HEXm10, HEXh1, HEXh10, CLK); BCDhhmm <= HEXh10 & HEXh1 & HEXm10 & HEXm1; U_Comparator: Comparator port map (A=>BCDhhmm, B=>PRESETALARM, EQUAL=>ALARM); end alarmclock_arch; |
Now, move down to the clock module. Create block diagram as shown below. The
library modules digit_m1, digit_m10, digit_h1, and digit_h10 are taken from the digit module stored
in module library previously. After inserting the modules, rename them by selecting the module, then
hit space bar and key in a new name accordingly. Renaming can be done either
in design hierarchy explorer or block diagram editor. The light-yellow blocks are custom blocks
for illustration purpose.
Set the EndValue parameter at the digit modules as follow:
Module | EndValue |
digit_h10 | 2 |
digit_h1 | 9 |
digit_m10 | 5 |
digit_m1 | 9 |
Open the VHDL file of clock module and add the following code to the file.
architecture clock_arch of clock is signal ENm10,ENh1,ENh10: STD_LOGIC; signal HEXm1i, HEXm10i, HEXh1i, HEXh10i: UNSIGNED(3 downto 0); signal STARTh :STD_LOGIC; .... .... begin U_digit_m1: digit_m1 port map (START, EN, HEXm1i, LEDm1, CLK); HEXm1 <= HEXm1i; ENm10 <= '1' when EN='1' and HEXm1i=9 else '0'; U_digit_m10: digit_m10 port map (START, ENm10, HEXm10i, LEDm10, CLK); HEXm10 <= HEXm10i; STARTh <= '1' when START='1' or (HEXh1i=3 and HEXh10i=2 and ENh1='1') else '0'; ENh1 <= '1' when ENm10='1' and HEXm10i=5 else '0'; U_digit_h1: digit_h1 port map (STARTh, ENh1, HEXh1i, LEDh1, CLK); HEXh1 <= HEXh1i; ENh10 <= '1' when ENH1='1' and HEXh1i=9 else '0'; U_digit_h10: digit_h10 port map (STARTh, ENh10, HEXh10i, LEDh10, CLK); HEXh10 <= HEXh10i; end clock_arch; |
Then, close the file and analyze the alarmclock module. If no error is encountered, you have done the top-down design successfully. Generate synthesizable VHDL file for the alarmclock module, and run the synthesis, implementation, and simulation processes to verify the design.