Coined in 1965, Moore's Law has accurately predicted the doubling of the number of transistors in an integrated circuit every couple of years. Intel has recognized that with the ever-increasing number of transistors also comes ever-increasing opportunities to add more innovations and capabilities to microprocessors and platform silicon. A good example is Intel® Centrino™ mobile technology, which combines communications, power management, chipset and processor capabilities into a single silicon platform.
Today, as people see value in performance gains beyond simply speeding up applications, Intel sees opportunities for the seamless integration of end-user features across a wide variety of computing platforms. Through the T's, Intel can deliver new user-focused platforms for the digital home, digital office, enterprise and mobility markets that are optimized to do everything from download movies from the Internet faster to effortlessly run more than one operating system (OS) simultaneously on the same computer.
Examples of other benefits include hardware-based security features, multithreading (the ability to run multiple processor-intensive applications concurrently), enabling a processor to access larger amounts of memory than 32-bit code supports, and the ability to remotely access networked clients even when they are turned off, or lack a working operating system or functional hard drive.
Introduced in 2004 for workstations and high-performance computer server platforms, Intel® Extended Memory 64 Technology (Intel® EM64T) allows server, workstation, and desktop platforms to access larger amounts of memory. This enhancement allows a processor to run newly written 64-bit code and access larger amounts of memory than 32-bit code. With appropriate Intel EM64T-supporting hardware and software, Intel EM64T-based platforms can enable use of both extended virtual and physical memory.
Desktop introduction of the technology is planned in 2005 along with the release of the Microsoft Windows* XP Professional x64 operating system. Intel is providing tools, technical support and expertise for those vendors optimizing their solutions for Intel EM64T and other Intel® platform capabilities.
AMD64 improves performance for many applications by evolving this industry-standard technology from a 32- to a 64-bit architecture. 64-bit computing allows operating systems and software to process more data and access a tremendous amount of memory. AMD64 is an industry-standard approach to 64-bit technology that combines innovation, simplicity, and foresight to deliver the next generation of performance … today!
AMD64 can deliver industry-leading performance on all your software applications. Both the AMD Opteron and AMD Athlon 64 processors run today’s x86 software natively with no “emulation mode” to degrade performance. Software optimized for AMD64 can capitalize on vast addressable memory and the 64-bit architectural enhancements required by the most demanding consumer and enterprise applications, including scientific computing, CAD/CAM/CAE, digital content creation, and ERP/CRM solutions.