This chip can be found in many radios. This mod might work on the SSB units also.





And just about anything with a PLL 02A chip in it.
The 23-channel radios will give different channels.

Full Color pictures of the channel mod

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26.805-26.905 1-9

1)Cut the Trace going to PIN #11.
2)Solder a 3.3 K resistor across the cut.
3)Solder 1 leg of a SPST switch to PIN #8.
4)Solder the other leg to PIN #11.

1 - 26.805 . . . . . . . 4 - 26.845 . . . . . . . 7 - 26.875
2 - 26.815 . . . . . . . 5 - 26.855 . . . . . . . 8 - 26.895
3 - 26.825 . . . . . . . 6 - 26.865 . . . . . . . 9 - 26.905

26.645-26.745 1-38

1)Cut the Trace going to PIN #10.
2)Solder a 3.3 K resistor across the cut.
3)Solder 1 leg of a SPST switch to PIN #9.
4)Solder the other leg to PIN #10 after the resistor.

This will give you 26.645 to 26.745 Mhz on channels 1 - 38.

27.425-27.705 12-38

1)Cut the Trace going to PIN #10.
2)Solder a 3.3 K resistor across the cut.
3)Solder 1 leg of a SPST switch to GROUND.
4)Solder the other leg to PIN #10 before the resistor.

This will give you 27.425 to 27.705 Mhz on channels 12 - 38.

26.435-27.055 10-38

1)Cut the Traces going to PIN #10 and PIN #9.
2)Solder a 3.3 K resistor across the cuts.
3)Using a DPDT Center-Off type switch solder wires from the PLL to the back of the switch as shown.

When the switch is UP.
This will give you 26.435 to 26.7455 Mhz on channels 10 - 38 .

When the switch is DOWN.
This will give you 26.755 to 27.055 Mhz on channels 10 - 38 .

home projects SS 121 CHEROKEE
858MOD 3900 MB8719 2816MOD
LINKS GALAXY TS-5010 PLL 02a mods
DeerSlater 240 Ham Radio Mods

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