History of Sanandaj

The history of Sanandaj city says that by 1667, it was a small village and just one family were lived there. They called themselves ZARIN KAVSH (golden shoes) and it was because they were prances and in that time all prances wore golden shoes. In the 1667 a king came from The Capital Government his name was Solaiman Ardalan. He made a castle and moved the city to this new castle. He named this castle SNA DEJ (Sna Castle) that the name of the city came from this name (Sna Dej) and it by pass time, has changed to Sanandaj, but the people of Sanandaj call there city SNA or Sine and Sanandaj is using by Persian people. In the surrounding areas around the new castle king Solaiman made a wall from racks which had 10 meters high and 3 meters width for the security of the castle. In outer part of the wall he made some buildings, market, mosque and homes for people and they had a happy life in the time of King Solaiman. After Solaiman made the Sna-Dej Castle, he brought the kingdom's capital from Hassan-Ava, Palangan and Marivan to the Sna-Dej Castle and he made a subterranean canal (Ghanat) to bring water for the castle and the buildings around it. King Solaiman Ardalan died in 1687. In 1835 the king of Iran "Fath Ali Shah" sent a king to this kingdom, His name was Amanallah Ardalan. He arrived to Sanandaj one months latter. He was a kind and brave man, he had a good personality and also he was very good in science and army. He rebuild the inner part of the castle and he made a grand mosque (Mzgt Jameaa), a big grade in the Abidar's Slope, a big market that was as a big cross so the city went to grove up. He made a building in the Abidar's Slope, he called this building "Khasrav Ava" because of the name of his son Khasrav. After the building had finished he married the king Fath Ali' girl to his son Khasrav and gave the Khasrav Ava building to them as a marriage gift and when new couple moved to Khasrav Ava, people made many building around that and city grew up more and more so that small castle changed to a large city with Suburbs as: Katarchian, Choar Bakh, Aga Zaman, Khiaban Farah, Javr Ava, Pear Mohamav, Chall Shla Ghear, Gonj Fatma Khanm. Now the face of city has changed and there is a lot of mosques and schools and now it is not a kingdom, it is one of the Iranian Provinces.

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