
Volume 1, Issue 2:  Summer '98

First Words
by Dave A. Law
Still Life With Humans: by Terry McElroy
      Sock Hell
      Salt Water In My Veins
Whale Watcher Notes: by June Woodward
      Devilfish or Devilwhalers In Baja?
      Baja's wondrous gray whales, the "Friendlies"

Short Stories
The Fattest Prom Queen
by Patricia Fish
Tiger! Tiger!
by Joy Reid

Window Seat
by William C. Burns, Jr.
Our Fathers' Commandment
by Richard Fein
by Steven J. Gerhardt

Japan and the Yakuza
by Rolf Boone

Art Gallery
Dolphin Paintings
by Atmara Rebecca Cloe

  Photo Gallery
Inner City Gallery by Jeffrey Nutkowitz


Welcome to the latest issue of Images "dma" the Literary Journal of Thoughts and Ideas.  This issue we introduce a bit of slice-of-life humor with our new regular columnist Terry McElroy and feature a haunting African tale from Australian writer Joy Reid. Expect a few late additions to this issue within the next week or so. We hope you enjoy browsing through our issue and look forward to reading any comments or questions you may have.  Please direct your message to:

- Dave A. Law

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Page created by Dave A. Law
Last update: June 21, 1998