Free Graphics - Nature - Land - Flora

floraicon-c.jpg (10866 bytes)

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There are 30 images in this category as of Aril 28, 1999.



Click on a tile to see what it looks like as a background.

arbuleav-tile-c.jpg (9760 bytes)

mixleavetile-c.jpg (10112 bytes) arburedtile-c.jpg (11078 bytes)
Arbutus Leaves Mixed Leaves Arbutus Leaf Close-up
arbugreentile-c.jpg (7942 bytes) lichentile-c.jpg (10500 bytes) mosstile-c.jpg (10173 bytes)
Green Arbutus Leaf Lichen Moss
silvrwod-c.jpg (10377 bytes) arbbranches-c.jpg (14950 bytes) salal-c.jpg (13114 bytes)
Silvered Wood Arbutus Canopy Salal
hydrangtile-c.jpg (12982 bytes) frosttwigs-c.jpg (15863 bytes) oakbark-c.jpg (15232 bytes)
Blue Hydrangea Frosty Twigs Oak Bark Close-up
lichenoak-c.jpg (15701 bytes) burnsbogcone-c.jpg (12984 bytes)
Lichen on Oak Burns Bog Pine Cones


Orbs, Spheres and Ellipses

redoval-c.JPG (4271 bytes)

leaf-oval-c.JPG (2268 bytes)

ovalarbu-c.JPG (2947 bytes)

Red Arbutus Leaf

Green Arbutus Leaf

Variegated Arbutus Leaf


Other Icons

grnstem-c.jpg (6167 bytes)

redleafsq-c.jpg (3024 bytes) Leaf-c.JPG (3191 bytes)
Green Arbutus Leaf Spine Variegated Arbutus Leaf Arbutus Leaf


Bars and Lines

Variations on arbutus leaves

arbu-bar-5c.jpg (7061 bytes)
arbu-bar-3c.jpg (7720 bytes)
arbu-bar-2c.jpg (8686 bytes)
arbu-bar-4c.jpg (7565 bytes)
arbu-bar-1c.jpg (6303 bytes)
arbumirr-2c.jpg (9162 bytes)
arbumirr-4c.jpg (7798 bytes)
arbumirr-5c.jpg (8222 bytes)
arbumirr-1c.jpg (7704 bytes)

barricuda-sc.jpg (27989 bytes) Whole Lotta Gerbera
Goin On
Click on the above flower to go to a large collection of gerbera scans - 40 of 'em, all this big (or thereabouts). These are all courtesy of Hollandia Nurseries - I scanned the blooms for their webpage (URL coming soon).

upicon-c.jpg (5908 bytes)

Text Interface


struck-vsc.jpg (11337 bytes) Home Portfolio Free Graphics Links Quotes Biz